Successes and challenges Title Welsh point 45 Llwyddiannau a heriau Successes and challenges Jackie Gapper AEM/HMI (Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol/Assistant Director) Mark Evans AEM/HMI (Swyddog arweiniol/Lead Officer)
Focus of workshop Ffocws y gweithdy Bydd y gweithdy hwn yn amlinellu prif ganfyddiadau trefniadau arolygu newydd Estyn ar gyfer dysgu yn y gwaith. Bydd cyfleoedd i drafod nodweddion llwyddiannus a heriau allweddol a werthusir yn y fframwaith newydd sy'n ymwneud â deilliannau, darpariaeth ac arweinyddiaeth This workshop will outline key findings from Estyn’s new inspection arrangements of work-based learning. There will be opportunities for discussion of successful features and key challenges evaluated in the new framework relating to outcomes, provision and leadership
Focus of workshop Ffocws y gweithdy Cryfderau cyffredin a meysydd i’w gwella Dehongli'r negeseuon o adroddiadau arolygu Gwerthuso eich darpariaeth eich hun Cwestiynau Common strengths and areas for improvement Interpreting the messages from inspection reports • Evaluating your own provision Questions
The successes Y llwyddiannau Mae'r dysgwr a'r profiad hyfforddi yn amlwg yn ganolog i weithgareddau arolygu Mantais gweithdrefnau diwygiedig ar gyfer dadansoddi data Mae'r FfAC yn fwy eglur, yn osgoi dyblygu ac wedi'i deilwra i'r sector dysgu yn y gwaith Mae'r pum maes arolygu yn glir ac wedi'u diffinio'n dda Ffocws mwy penodol ar yr holl bartneriaid, aelodau'r consortiwm ac is-gontractwyr The learner and the training experience is clearly central to inspection activities The benefit of revised data analysis procedures The CIF is clearer, avoids duplication and is tailored to the work-based learning sector The five inspection areas are clear and well defined A higher focus on all partners, consortium members and sub-contractors
The successes Y llwyddiannau Consistently strong outcomes between routes, providers in a consortium and between subcontractors Skills development opportunities within individual learners’ programmes clearly defined Tutors and assessors have strong personal skills and ability to help learners progress Learners develop strong work-related practical skills and theory knowledge Learners develop strong employability skills Learners become valued members of their employers’ staff Canlyniadau cryf yn gyson rhwng llwybrau, darparwyr mewn consortiwm a rhwng is-gontractwyr Mae cyfleoedd datblygu medrau o fewn rhaglenni dysgwyr unigol wedi'u diffinio'n glir Mae gan diwtoriaid ac aseswyr fedrau personol cryf a’r gallu i helpu dysgwyr i symud ymlaen Mae dysgwyr yn datblygu medrau gwaith ymarferol cryf a gwybodaeth theori Mae dysgwyr yn datblygu medrau cyflogadwyedd cryf Daw dysgwyr yn aelodau gwerthfawr o staff eu cyflogwyr
The challenges Yr heriau Sicrhau cysondeb canlyniadau dysgwyr ar draws yr holl lwybrau a phartneriaid Lleihau nifer y dysgwyr sy'n cwblhau eu rhaglenni yn hwyr Sicrhau bod gweithgareddau addysgu, dysgu a gweithgareddau asesu yn cynllunio ar gyfer cynnydd dysgwyr Gwneud asesiad cychwynnol y PCSHC, ond yna ddim yn gwneud unrhyw beth yn ystyrlon gyda'r wybodaeth Gwella trylwyredd hunanarfarnu Ensuring the consistency of learner outcomes across all routes and partners Reducing the number of learners who complete their programmes late Making sure that teaching, learning and assessment activities plan for learner progress Doing WEST initial assessment, but then not doing anything meaningful with the information Improving the rigour of self-evaluation
Dehongli'r negeseuon o adroddiadau arolygu Activity 1: Gweithgaredd 1: Dehongli'r negeseuon o adroddiadau arolygu Activity 1: Interpreting the messages from inspection reports
Beth yw'r prif negeseuon? What are the main messages? Gweithgaredd 1 Activity 1 Beth yw'r prif negeseuon? What are the main messages? Beth allwn ni ei ddysgu o'r adroddiad? What can we learn from the report?
Q Inspection Area 2 Wellbeing and attitudes to learning Inspection Area 2 Wellbeing and attitudes to learning Nearly all learners feel safe when attending off-the-job training activities. They enjoy being in the workplace and participating in the learning experiences provided. Most apprentice show a strong commitment and a mature attitude towards their programmes. They are enthusiastic and motivated, the majority are keen to progress to the next level of training. Nearly all learners show high levels of respect for their peers, training staff and employers. Many learners have a positive attitude to learning and show a conscientious attitude to their work. Apprenticeship and higher apprenticeship learners are particularly enthusiastic about their learning, engage well in all activities and want to achieve as best as they can. However, many traineeship learners do not engage in training activities enthusiastically and as a result they make slow progress. The majority of learners show increasing maturity and greater independence in their learning as they progress through their programme. As a result, these learners become confident, capable and independent learners. Nearly all learners know how to maintain healthy lifestyles and understand the need for a balanced diet and physical exercise. A majority of learners participate appropriately in a wide range of fitness and sports activities out of work. Learners demonstrate an appropriate understanding of health and safety both on and off-the-job. Q
Gwerthuso eich darpariaeth eich hun Activity 2 Gweithgaredd 2 Gwerthuso eich darpariaeth eich hun Activity 2 Evaluating your own provision
Effective self-evaluation processes: Activity 2 :Supplementary guidance on self-evaluation Effective self-evaluation processes: benefit from open and honest discussion of strengths, areas for development and weaknesses focus primarily on learners’ achievements and experiences are a continuous process and not just a ‘snapshot’ support strategic planning and draws on regular quality assurance procedures involve staff at all levels in assessing outcomes and performance seek the views of learners systematically and consults other stakeholders, such as partners and employers, where appropriate seek to make judgements in the light of measurable performance information and to identify trends over time lead to improvement plans which are monitored against clear targets and success criteria result in improvements in standards and quality of provision for learners
Mae prosesau hunanarfarnu effeithiol: Gweithgaredd 2: Canllawiau atodol ar hunanarfarnu Mae prosesau hunanarfarnu effeithiol: yn elwa ar drafodaeth agored a gonest am gryfderau, meysydd i’w datblygu a gwendidau yn canolbwyntio’n bennaf ar gyflawniadau a phrofiadau dysgwyr yn broses barhaus ac nid ‘cipolwg’ yn unig yn cefnogi cynllunio strategol ac yn defnyddio gweithdrefnau sicrhau ansawdd yn rheolaidd yn cynnwys staff ar bob lefel mewn asesu deilliannau a pherfformiad yn ceisio barn dysgwyr yn systematig ac yn ymgynghori â rhanddeiliaid eraill, fel partneriaid a chyflogwyr, lle bo’n briodol yn ceisio llunio barnau yng ngoleuni gwybodaeth fesuradwy am berfformiad ac i nodi tueddiadau dros gyfnod o amser yn arwain at gynlluniau ar gyfer gwella sy’n cael eu monitro yn erbyn targedau a meini prawf llwyddiant clir yn arwain at welliannau mewn safonau ac yn ansawdd y ddarpariaeth ar gyfer dysgwyr
Activity 2 :Supplementary guidance on self-evaluation Activity 2 :Supplementary guidance on self-evaluation The judgements made during self-evaluation should be: secure – based on sufficiently robust, reliable and accessible evidence first-hand – based on direct observation reliable – based on common, well-understood criteria valid – based on accurate, objective, unbiased evidence corporate – based on the collective view of staff and other stakeholders
Gweithgaredd 2: Canllawiau atodol ar hunanarfarnu Gweithgaredd 2: Canllawiau atodol ar hunanarfarnu Dylai’r barnau sy’n cael eu llunio yn ystod hunanarfarnu fod: yn gadarn – yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth sy’n ddigon cadarn, dibynadwy a hygyrch yn uniongyrchol – yn seiliedig ar arsylwi uniongyrchol yn ddibynadwy – yn seiliedig ar feini prawf cyffredin, a ddeellir yn dda yn ddilys – yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth gywir, wrthrychol a diduedd yn gorfforaethol – yn seiliedig ar farn gyfunol y staff a rhanddeiliaid eraill
Pethau i beidio â’u gwneud Things to stop doing Gweithio i gynulleidfa allanol Canolbwyntio ar ansawdd gwaith papur Gwneud hunanarfarnu yn ddigwyddiad (yn hytrach na phroses barhaus) Canolbwyntio ar amrediad cul o ddata Mesur popeth a cheisio mesur yr anfesuradwy Dadansoddi pob agwedd ar waith darparwr drwy’r amser Gwahanu hunanarfarnu oddi wrth brosesau eraill gwella darparwyr Gwneud hunanarfarnu yn faes i uwch arweinwyr yn unig Rhuthro gweithgareddau a llunio barnau ‘sydyn’ Barnu popeth Gwneud i bethau ymddangos yn well nag ydyn nhw Working for an external audience Focussing on the quality of paperwork Making self-evaluation an event (rather than an ongoing process) Focussing on a narrow range of data Measuring everything and trying to measure the unmeasurable Analysing all aspects of the provider’s work at all times Separating self-evaluation from other improvement processes Making self-evaluation the domain of senior leaders only Rushing activities and making ‘snap’ judgements Judging everything Making things appear better than they are
Pethau i ddechrau eu gwneud Things to start doing Newid y diwylliant o ran gwella ansawdd Arfarnu ar gyfer eich darparwr a’ch dysgwyr Bod yn ddidwyll, yn agored a gonest Caniatáu amser ar gyfer prosesau Rhoi pwys ar fesurau ehangach i adlewyrchu cynnydd dysgwyr a thaith yr darparwr dros gyfnod Gwella parhad rhwng is-gontractwyr a phartneriaid Datblygu cyfundrefn gadarn ac adeiladol o adolygu cymheiriaid Change the culture around quality improvement Evaluate for your provider and your learners Be frank, open and honest Allow time for processes Attach importance to wider measures to reflect learners’ progress and the provider’s journey over time Improve continuity between sub-contractors and partners Develop a robust and constructive regime of peer review
Unrhyw gwestiynau? Any questions?