Assigning Milestones to Students Critical Tracking: Assigning Milestones to Students What are milestones Basic Terminology Search for milestones for a student Add milestones for a student
Student Milestones Student Milestones are non-course-related events or achievements that students must fulfill to take a course or to complete a degree. They can include things like placement exams, language requirements, portfolio completion, completion of departmental exams or completion of oral exams. If necessary, you can limit the number of attempts allowed to complete a particular milestone. You can choose to display them on the student’s transcript (unofficial, official or none), including whether the milestone is completed, or when it is not completed but is required. You can add required but not yet completed milestones to student records and track the number of attempts or amount of time since the milestone was added to the record.
Student Milestones At ASU, some milestones will be added to individual student records automatically in a batch process, such as those for Math and English Placement exams. This class addresses milestones that will be added manually to students’ records based on work reviewed by the academic units, such as the Art Portfolio review.
Requesting Access In order to enter student milestones online, you will need to request the following role: SR Milestone Update. You can do this from My ASU.
Where to find the pages To view, edit or update student milestones: Open a web browser Go to Login with your ASURITE ID Navigate to Records and Enrollment> Enroll Students>Student Milestones
Process Flow Steps: Search for existing milestones for the student If there are no milestones, use the “Add a New Value” tab to insert the first milestone.
Next Steps Go through the practice exercises, which will allow you to practice setting a milestone. Review the business process guide in the course materials section – Print it if you wish. Take the test in the test section, you must pass the test with an 80% or better. Apply for access – the role you need is SR Milestone Update