Wednesday, November Day 4 22 nd Day 4
Weather Weather
Birthdays Birthdays James 7
In the Gym….. NB #1 Sr. Boys Volleyball Practice NB #2 After School Sr Girls’ Volleyball practice After School
Congratulations Jr. Girls!! Well folks, our Jr. Girl’s did it again.... Last night was their very first playoff game in the preliminary round and they won all three sets!! The girls started and ended strong...and even as Bellmoore’s girls showed improvement through their own game, the girls edged them out in the last two sets...way to go girls!!! Our next playoff game is on Tuesday, November 28 against Lawfield School. Time and place to be determined. Stay tuned.
In the Music Room….. NB #1 Open for duet filming Borrowed band shirts need to be returned. NB #2 Open for duet filming After School Sign-out
Scholastic orders for Ms. Bodi, Mrs. Durfey, Mr. Child & Mr Scholastic orders for Ms. Bodi, Mrs. Durfey, Mr. Child & Mr. Doyle are due Friday.
Spirit Day Nov 30 Creative hair day
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Hockey Rink
Be a Wonderful Winona Wildcat