Lookin’ for EVIDENCE
Did Principal Carter have good evidence that band t-shirts will be disruptive? Optional sound effect on this slide—turn your sound up if you want to hear it. Pick apart the following exhibits and witness testimonies. Look for anything that would answer this question “yes” and anything that would answer the question “no.” Think about things that happened as well as things that did not happen.
Exhibit A: The Memo TO: Hamilton Middle School Students and Parents FROM: Bob Carter, Principal RE: Hamilton Middle School’s New T-shirt Policy Last year, many teachers saw students arguing about different kinds of music. Most of these arguments were caused by t-shirts that displayed a musical group. A few of the arguments were heated, and one even delayed the start of class until a teacher stepped in to stop the discussion. As a result, students may no longer wear clothing that refers to a musical group. This includes band t-shirts. The purpose of the new rule is to make sure the learning environment in our schools is safe and effective. We hope the new dress code policy will prevent more serious arguments or fights from breaking out in our schools. According to this memo, what evidence did Principal Carter have that band t-shirts caused problems?
Exhibit A: The Memo Did any of the problems disrupt school in any way? TO: Hamilton Middle School Students and Parents FROM: Bob Carter, Principal RE: Hamilton Middle School’s New T-shirt Policy Last year, many teachers saw students arguing about different kinds of music. Most of these arguments were caused by t-shirts that displayed a musical group. A few of the arguments were heated, and one even delayed the start of class until a teacher stepped in to stop the discussion. As a result, students may no longer wear clothing that refers to a musical group. This includes band t-shirts. The purpose of the new rule is to make sure the learning environment in our schools is safe and effective. We hope the new dress code policy will prevent more serious arguments or fights from breaking out in our schools. Did any of the problems disrupt school in any way?
Exhibit B: The Intercepted Note Sarah, Your Punk Frogs t-shirt is stupid! Everyone hates Punk Frogs. U better watch out after gym class! Alyssa Does this note give Principal Carter a reason to believe band t-shirts will cause problems?
Witness: Kyle Miller, Ben’s Friend What does Kyle’s testimony show about whether discussions about music always turn into arguments?
Witness: Lisa Lennox, former student How does Lisa’s testimony show that band t-shirts were not a problem? How does Bobby’s reaction show that disagreements about music could be a problem?
Witness: Ms. Jones, math teacher Does Ms. Jones describe anything that would give Principal Carter a reason to believe band t-shirts cause problems? In what ways does the argument cause disruption in school? In what ways does the argument not cause disruption in school?
Exhibit C: Email to Principal Carter Bob, I made a quick run to the supply room between classes last hour. Almost didn’t make it back to start class in time because I had to break up an argument between a bunch of kids in the hall. It was about bands again. A few of them were wearing t-shirts from that concert all the kids were talking about Monday morning. I almost sent them to the office because I thought a fight was about to break out, but then they started laughing so I sent them to class instead. Thought you’d want to know. Ms. Miller Does Ms. Miller describe anything that would give Principal Carter a reason to believe band t-shirts cause problems? Does anything she says indicate that the t-shirts were not actually causing problems?
Witness: Tim Hyde, student Does Tim say anything that would give Principal Carter a reason to believe band t-shirts are disruptive to school? Does Tim say anything that shows band t-shirts are not disruptive?
Witness: Mia Donatella, former student Does Mia’s reaction to the argument show anything about whether disagreements about music were really a problem? Does Mia say anything that shows the argument was not disruptive to school?
Witness: Darin Ilijasic, student Does Darin say anything that supports Principal Carter’s belief that band t-shirts cause problems? Does Darin say anything that shows the band t-shirt was not really causing a problem? Does Darin say anything that shows the band t-shirt did not disrupt class?
Witness: Bob Carter, Principal Does Principal Carter say anything that shows band t-shirts were causing problems? Does Principal Carter say anything that shows the t-shirts were disrupting school? Does he say anything that shows the t-shirts were not disrupting school?