LESSON 2 Daniel’s narrative prophetic dream narrative--apocalyptic 12 chapters Daniel’s narrative prophetic dream narrative--apocalyptic
LESSON 2 2. apocalyptic Revelation poetry--proverbs letters law biography--parables
LESSON 2 3. Hebrew Aramaic 4. Two halves—life and prophecies Two languages—Hebrew and Aramaic Two types of literature— narrative and apocalypse
LESSON 2 5. 2nd century 6th century 6. God predictive prophecy
LESSON 2 7. a. kings counting b. king title c. words
LESSON 2 8. prophet Jerusalem Ezekiel Babylon Josephus 330 BC
LESSON 2 d. Septuagint Hebrew Greek e. Dead Sea Scrolls 165
LESSON 2 f. 6th punishments dress banquets customs laws
LESSON 2 Belshazzar 9. forger prophecies fraud