Term paper 4910 spring 2004 Spatial environmental model Key variable: transfer coefficient aij aij Transfer coefficient Source: Point Mobile diffuse Environmental receptor
Ambient standard Deposition of a residual (pollutant) Environmental service Damage function
No monitoring of individual discharges The social problem The first order conditions
The tax solution The source decision problem The first order condition
A simple version of the RAINS model The problem formulation
The Lagrangian
The necessary first order conditions
Economic interpretation Marginal cost min c’ Σλjaij interior µ max e emin e* e0 Discharge
Marginal purification costs Marginal costs vary between sources due to the different transfer coefficients The foot index for source i on the rhs implies that marginal costs vary
Ambient standards and pollution permits for each receptor Quota for each source The cost minimisation problem for a source
Solutions The Lagrangian First order conditions
Implementing the social solution Shadow price on ambient standards equal to permit prices
Uniformly and non-uniformly distributed pollutants General problem formulation Uniform mix: multiple recipients Non-uniform mix: only one recipient
Cost effective solutions Uniformly mixed Non-uniformly mixed
Ambient standards and permit trade Uniform mix case, source problem Optimality condition
Ambient standards and permit trade, cont. Non-uniform mix case: source problem Optimality condition