Good Morning 9/28/15 Write down Home Learning SJ: 9/28/15 Sugar Cube Race (SCR) FQ: If you drop a sugar cube in a glass of water how long will it take to disintegrate? Announcements Lunar Eclipse PBL Dress for Mess - SCR
Designing an Experiment
Start with a problem/question Question needs to be answerable with either observations or evidences from experiments. What effect does chocolate pudding have on aardvarks?
Make a predict/ hypothesis Written in the If…..then…because format If aardvarks eat chocolate pudding once a day, then the aardvarks will turn green because chocolate is known to make aardvarks sick.
Design an experiment Get 1,000 aardvarks. The more subjects in your experiment, the more reliable your data will be. Separate the aardvarks into equal groups (same sex, age, and physical characteristics) Keep both groups under identical conditions. (same size cages, same amount and kind of food and water, same light and dark periods, same temperature and humidity, etc.)
Design an Experiment (cont.) Feed one group chocolate pudding- experimental group. The other group does NOT eat chocolate pudding- control group.
Design the Experiment (cont.) -With different aardvarks and Repeat different batches of pudding.
Collect Data Run experiment for a reasonable amount of time. (two weeks in this example) Observe- are the experimental group turning green? Record data in a organized format (data table)
Make a Conclusion Based on the data collect, write a reasonable conclusion. Discuss what was observed, and how this related to your hypothesis / prediction. Let’s say the aardvarks did turn green- report data to other scientists OR You observed something else occur- Aardvarks died. Scientists would continue investigating the question, by revising their question or asking a new question. Amount?? Vanilla pudding??? Pudding itself???