1) Name one innovation/discovery in ship design or navigation
2) Name one more innovation/discovery in ship design or navigation
3) What new ship did the Portuguese develop?
4) What European maritime power tried to monopolize Indian Ocean trade?
5) Which European kingdom sponsored the voyages of Columbus?
6) What affect did Columbus’s voyages have on other European nations?
7) What were British and Dutch explorers looking for in the northern Atlantic?
8) What did some European powers use to facilitate trade in Asia (especially the British and Dutch, but also the French later)?
9) What trade item did these companies usually take to Asia to trade with?
Not a Question – just a fact you need to know: European merchants’ role in Asian trade was characterized mostly by transporting goods from one Asian country to another market in Asia or the Indian Ocean region.
10) Fill in the blank: Commercialization and the creation of a global economy were closely connected to new global circulation of silver from the ______________.
Life isn’t fair – get used to it Skip to the Next Person Life isn’t fair – get used to it
11) __________ was the major theory of trade held by the European powers in Era 4. The idea was that a nation should export more than it imported and accumulate wealth (especially in the form of gold or silver).
12) Influenced by mercantilism, __________-___________ companies were used by European rulers to control their domestic and colonial economies, and by European merchants to compete against one another in global trade.
13) The new connections between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres resulted in what is called the ________________ _______________.
14) Name a major disease that the Europeans spread to the Americas.
15) Name a type of vermin that the Europeans unintentionally brought to the Americas.
16) This type of crop is grown specifically to be exported.
17) In Era 4, cash crops were usually grown with what type of labor?
18) Where were cash crops mostly exported to in this era?
19) Name an American crop that became a staple in Europe, Asia or Africa.
20) Give an example of a cash crop grown in the Americas in Era 4.
21) Give an example of a new animal that was brought to the Americas by the Europeans.
22) Give an example of a new crop brought to the Americas by Africans.
Pick any person in line to trade places with
23) In what way did European agriculture and settlements affect the environment in the Americas.
24) What is another way that European agriculture and settlements affected the environment in the Americas.
25) What Muslim group was key to spreading Islam throughout Afro-Eurasia in Era 4?
26) Why were people more willing to accept Islam from the Sufis, rather than the traditional Sunnis and Shi’a?
27) The political rivalry between _________ and __________ intensified the split between Sunni and Shi’a.
28) Christianity became much more diverse because of the _____________ _____________.
29) ________ developed in the Caribbean in the context of interactions between Christianity and African religions.
What is Mr. Wooley’s favorite sports team? You have to give the state and the mascot.
30) __________ developed in South Asia in the context of interactions between Hinduism and Islam.
31) Beginning in the 14th century, there was a decrease in mean (average) temperatures, often referred to as the _______ _____ _____, around the world that lasted until the 19th century.
32) Give an example of the intensification of peasant labor.
33) The growth of the _________ economy/system increased the demand for slaves in the Americas.
34) Give an example of coerced labor.
35) Give another example of coerced labor.
36) Give an example of new political or economic elites that formed during this era.
37) Name an already-existing elite group that lost power due to the increasing power of monarchs at this time.
38) Who did European men depend on in Southeast Asia to conduct trade in that region?
39) Why did the size of European families shrink during Era 4?
40) ________ ________ was the European idea that kings were answerable only to God, and therefore could do what they wanted.
41) What did the Qing (Manchu) rulers of China do to legitimize their authority?
42) Give one example of monumental architecture from Era 4.
43) Give an example of a state using an ethnic or religious group, while at the same time limiting their ability to challenge the authority of the state.
44) Give an example of recruitment of bureaucratic elites or military professionals from Era 4.
45) A government may use this form of taxation when it doesn’t want to handle the collection of taxes directly.
46) Name the three land-based Muslim gunpowder empires
47) Which land-based empire expanded the most during Era 4?
48) Name the five European maritime powers.