Educator Beliefs The collective efficacy of school staff has one of the highest effect scores: 1.57
Educator Beliefs Contributing Factors to the Performance Gap When educators don’t believe that students with disabilities can achieve grade level standards they may: Provide instruction and remediation that does not address the grade level standards Provide less feedback than they provide other students Assume that when students do poorly it is the best the student can do (reinforces low expectations) Be less likely to change instructional strategies because they don’t think it will make a difference
Educator Beliefs When educators at the secondary level don’t believe that students with disabilities can achieve the grade level standards they may provide instruction or remediation that they feel is more appropriate for the student. But the FSA and EOCs assess the grade level standards. All Tiers of instruction must align with the grade level standards or you end up with performance gaps.
Educator Beliefs Effective educators: believe their fundamental task is to evaluate the effect of their teaching on students' learning and achievement have high expectations for all students see assessment as feedback about their impact focus more on learning than teaching build strong personal connections with students and colleagues
Educator Beliefs Resources John Hattie's Mindframes - Includes a video on Hattie's 8 mind frames. The Impact of Collective Efficacy on Student Achievement - The power of collective efficacy; the culture of expectations shared by the teaching staff.
Educator Beliefs Data Sources – You can use the following resources to collect data addressing educator beliefs in your school and/or district. Middle/High School Survey Checklist for Visible Learning Educational Practice Activity
Educator Beliefs Hypothesis - The problem is occurring because: instruction for students with disabilities is different from the instruction for students without disabilities students with disabilities are provided remediation that is not aligned with the standards that will be assessed instructional staff respond different to students with disabilities because they expect a lower level of achievement instructional staff don’t believe that what they do to change instructional strategies will make a difference for students with disabilities