Welcome to 3rd Grade
Daily Bites and Studying
Daily Bites Reading 4 Today and Writing 4 Today Math 4 Today, Arithmetic Developed Daily, Drops in the Bucket Daily Science Daily LA
Writing 4 Today
Reading 4 Today
Math 4 Today
Arithmetic Developed Daily
Daily Science
Daily LA
Daily Bites Studying and Test TESTS W4T and R4T on Wednesday M4T, ADD, and DIB onWednesday DS or DLA on Thursday
Social Studies and Science Study! Study! Study! Sign Study Guide each night!! Be sure every page is completed to be turned in for a grade!
Spelling Spelling lists for the entire unit (5 weeks) are to be kept in each student’s binder. Challenge words are tested and should be practiced/studied. Spelling Menu-Students may choose one activity from the menu to complete each night. (Monday-Wednesday) The same activity may not be done twice in one week. Spelling Tests will be multiple choice. Students will have to choose the word spelled correctly.
Reading Open book tests Vocabulary All stories are read and discussed in class. Reading books will not be sent home with students. Vocabulary Check for study guides or Reading workbooks with words and definitions.
Math Students need to memorize all math facts!! This can only be accomplished with your help. Study and Practice nightly!! (Flash Cards, Computer Games, Printable practice sheets…) Timed tests will be given. Students have reached mastery level when they are able to recall an answer to a basic math fact within 3 seconds.
Planner Each day, assignments are written on the board for students to copy down in their planner. Each night, parents are to look over their homework, study with them, and sign the planner.
THINGS TO REMEMBER TO SIGN EACH NIGHT: Planner Social Living Study Guide Test folders on Tuesday!
WEEKLY HOMEWORK Reading-study vocabulary words Math-study math facts Spelling-menu activities, study words Science or Social Studies-study guide Daily Bites- review and study
Testing Schedule Wednesday Friday Thursday W4T and R4T Reading M4T, ADD, DIB Thursday DS or DLA Friday Reading Spelling Math (timed tests) Math, English, Social Studies and Science tests will be given when the unit/chapter is completed. They will be announced and can also be found on the teacher’s website.
Websites! On your child’s teacher website, you will find lots of interesting information, such as: Homework for each day Notes and specific information
How do I get to the website? www.rpsb.us Schools List J. I. Barron Elementary Visit our Web Site Barron website (http://www.edline.net/pages/Barron) Teacher Websites Click on your child’s teacher’s name
iLEAP Information Taken April 8-11, 2013 Four sections: English Language Arts (includes Writing) Math Science Social Studies (Louisiana)
iLEAP Preparation English Language Arts Reading comprehension and Vocab. Locating information in text Phonics, root words, prefixes and suffixes Spelling Spelling circle test English Daily Bites Writing topic each week Taken through each step of the Writing Process
iLEAP Preparation Math Daily Bites is the greatest way to prepare students. It covers the skills, including writing answers in complete sentences. We are following the comprehensive curriculum, which the test is based upon.
iLEAP Preparation Science and Social Studies The test covers Louisiana. We cover all aspects of our state, history, and symbols. We will be covering many topics. Daily Science daily bites help greatly to cover the wide variety of topics that will be discussed this year.
Common Core State Standards CCSS
Please join your child’s teacher in her classroom Please join your child’s teacher in her classroom. Further information will be shared specific to your child’s class and a time for other questions to be answered.