Science Mrs. Holshouser Extra Help Homework Policy Class Blog Absent? We will be using the Holt McDougalTextbook. There is an online version of the textbook that can be accessed through the class blog. (htms6, htms6) Respect Class Blog The class blog will be your go-to spot for homework, important powerpoints, extra resources/videos, printable papers, and all of your absent make-up work! The blog will be posted every Friday afternoon to help you plan the upcoming week. Absent? Check blog before school. PPT’s and book reading will be listed. Check agenda on class board for any period specific changes. Get extra WS from the daily accordion file if needed. Copy from a peer’s IAN or the class IAN on top of the silver trays. one 5 subject spiral notebook 4 glue sticks Sharpened colored pencils 1 period class color pocket folder 3 dividers: Research, Labs, tests/Quizzes Supply List Science Hightower Trail Mrs. Holshouser Extra Help Homework will be posted on the class blog weekly. Labs will need to be made up every Tuesday. Homework will be given 3 days/wk. There will be no late HW. ***Tests will have 5 days notice! STUDY Homework Policy If a student is having trouble they should speak with the teacher as soon as possible. The student will attend the weekly scheduled time for extra help. Extra help is available before school according to the calendar posted on the door. One science teacher will be available to assist with student questions. 2) Brainpop review (htms, husky)
Holshouser Science Survival Guide I have read and understand the science course guide. The syllabus and lab safety contract signatures are due on Friday! _________________________________ Student Name Student Signature _____________ Date _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature _____________ Date
Science Survival Guide Strive for Success: Parents’ Edition Each student will be receiving on of these Science Success cheat sheets on the first day of school. They will glue it into their interactive notebook and be held accountable to all of the policies. They will also be receiving their class syllabus and grade distribution scale the first week of school as well as a lab safety contract. I look forward to working with your students this year! If you have any questions, please contact me via email and I will get back to you within 24 hours. All schedules will be distributed to the students during homeroom on Monday morning!