Primary 5 Curriculum Meeting
General Housekeeping Please ensure every item of clothing, personal equipment is labelled Label lunch boxes, PE bags, coats Saves a great deal of time and hassle
Healthy Eating/ Dinners Dinners are priced at £2.60 per day. Please try and pay on a Monday if possible. Please remember every day is a healthy eating day. Nuts and nut products are banned due to allergies.
Medication Please keep us informed if your child has a medical condition. (or if they no longer do) Policy on administering medicines
Mobile Phones Are permitted when necessary when accompanied by a note from parents Must be turned off and submitted to the teacher at 9am Locked securely Not to be used on premises Not a fashion accessory – Avoid if possible
Uniform Ensure your child has their full uniform on everyday. PE gear – dark jogging bottoms and white t- shirt and black trainers. No jewellery allowed except watches.
Discipline The children are aware of the school rules. These are displayed in the classroom. We do encourage good behaviour and hard work throughout the school. In P5 we work a money reward chart system which helps to encourage, motivate, discipline and reward.
Punctuality and attendance Punctuality is very important. School begins at 9am. Please avoid term time holidays. If absent for any reason please contact the school.
Homework Homework will be for consolidating or revising work covered in class that week. It will consist of English and Maths on alternative nights. Reading every night. Please sign the reading record. These are handed in at the end of the week. Spelling homework each night. Spellings will be set on a Monday and sent home to be revised each night.
Assessment ● (CAT4). This identifies a pupil's developed abilities and likely academic potential, highlighting strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences. ● Progress Test in English (PTE) and Progress Test in Maths (PTM). ● New Group Reading Test (NGRT). This allows teachers specifically to screen and monitor the reading ability of pupils at a group level. Pupils will sit PTE, PTM and NGRT tests in September (to provide a baseline) and again in February to measure progress. Purpose of assessment Identify trends, strengths and weaknesses Brilliant Target Setting tool for staff Inform planning Levelling in Using Maths, Communication and Using ICT
Ongoing/Informal Assessment Positive peer assessment Self assessment as vehicle towards improvement Marking Maths Targets English Targets Continuously assessing performance in all areas
Curriculum Outline of what we will be teaching.
Other Information Acting designated teacher for Child Protection is Mr Donaldson Deputy is Mrs Tully Complaints procedure is to: See class teacher Head of Key Stage (Mr Wright acting)
Thank you