Earth's Human Geography


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Presentation transcript:

Earth's Human Geography World Geography Unit 3 Earth's Human Geography

What Is Population Distribution? The world’s population, or total number of people, is spread unevenly over the Earth’s surface. Population distribution describes the way the population is spread out. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Why Is Population Distribution Uneven? What affects where people will want to live? Desirable Factors ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Plains and valleys with flat, fertile soil are good for growing food. Flat coastal areas are good for trading by ship. __________________________________________________ Places rich in natural resources to build houses and make products Undesirable Factors

Continents: Populous and Not Populous _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Continents: Populous and Not Populous Australia’s environment is mostly desert or dry grassland, with few rivers and little rainfall. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. South America is also limited by landforms and climates, where many regions have soaring mountains, vast dry plains, and thick rain forests.

What Is Population Density? _____________________________________ _____________ is called population density. In a country or city with a high population density, people are crowded together. Japan has one of the highest population densities in the world: Almost all of its people live on only 16 percent of the land. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Studying Population Density How do demographers measure population density? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Population density will usually be the highest on level areas near _______________________________________. Some people, however, do live in harsh areas and over many generations have adapted ways of life to suit these environments.

Population Growth Is Worldwide _________________________________________________________________________________________. During different historical periods, populations grew at different rates: For centuries, the world population grew slowly—food supplies were scarce and many thousands died of diseases. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. World population has grown rapidly and has increased greatly in modern times. WHY?

Reasons For Population Growth Today Today, the birthrate has increased dramatically and the death rate has slowed. The population in some countries has grown very fast. People live longer than ever. In the United States today, people usually live more than 70 years. This is the result of two scientific developments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________.

The Challenges Of Population Growth The Earth’s resources must now be shared by six times as many people than in earlier times. Many countries face very serious problems, such as shortages of fresh water and energy. The rapidly growing world population poses many challenges: _______________________________________________________. More schools are needed for the growing number of children. Forests are disappearing because people use the wood from trees for building and for fuel. As a result, the supply of clean air decreases and soil can be washed away.

World Population Growth, A.D. 1200–2000

Migration: The Movement Of People __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Why do people move? Demographers use the __________________ to explain immigration. People migrate because certain things “push” them to leave. The reasons may be economic (maybe people cannot buy land or find work). Sometimes changes in government force people to leave. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Irish and Vietnamese Immigrants in the United States The push-pull theory can explain the great Irish immigration in the 1840s and 1850s and Vietnamese immigration in the 1970s. Vietnamese Irish In 1975, North Vietnam finally defeated South Vietnam in a long war. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Event ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ People went hungry and starved. Also, England ruled Ireland very harshly, leaving the Irish few opportunities. Push Factors The United States, their ally, welcomed them. ______________________________________________________________ Pull Factors

Other Kinds of Immigration Sometimes, people are forced to migrate. Colonization Australia was colonized by the English. The English sent convicts to serve their sentences in Australia. War ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Helping families Young men from Morocco and Turkey often go to Europe to find work. For a few years, they work hard and save their money. Then they return home.

The World Becomes More Urban Migration also occurs within a country. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. In recent years, the population of major cities has grown tremendously. Example: Recently, in the United States, the population has shifted from the northeastern states to the southern and southwestern states. Why? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Growing Cities, Growing Challenges Examples of Growing Cities Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, and São Paulo, Brazil, are examples of rapidly growing cities. Jakarta’s population more than ______________ between 1978 and 2000. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Growing Cities, Growing Challenges So, what’s the problem? The cities cannot keep up: They cannot provide housing, jobs, schools, hospitals, and other services that people need. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. So, why do people move? Most are seeking a better life for their families. They are looking for jobs, decent houses, and good schools. Above all, they want ________________________________.