Assessment and Accountability Update


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment and Accountability Update Chun-Wu Li, Ph.D. Administrator II, Assessment and Accountability Assessment Accountability Continuous Improvement Unit Division of Educational Services March 22, 2018

(See Handout “CDE Program Updates”) Assessment Update (See Handout “CDE Program Updates”)

Accountability Update (See Handout “RAN’s Accountability Update”)

Revisions to the ESSA State Plan On February 22, 2018, CDE and SBE staff met with U.S. Department of Education (ED) staff in Washington, DC to discuss ED interim feedback to the ESSA Plan. Based on ED guidance from this meeting, several changes to California’s Plan were proposed to the SBE at its March 2018 meeting. California Department of Education

ED Required Revisions to State Plan Add Grade 11 Academic Indicator. Incorporate participation rate into Academic Indicator. Make the College/Career Indicator (CCI) a School Quality or Student Success Indicator rather than an Academic Indicator. ED: U.S. Department of Education California Department of Education

ED Required Revisions to State Plan (Cont.) Remove Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) and Long-term English Learners (LTELs) from the English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI). Identify high schools for support based on low graduation rate (<67%): Apply three-year average rather than three consecutive years. California Department of Education

Additional SBE Meeting Because negotiations with the ED were not completed until March 13th, one day prior to the March SBE, a special SBE meeting will be scheduled in April 2018 to address Title I, Part A accountability requirements. Allows time for impact analysis and stakeholder feedback. Because of ongoing communication between the CDE/SBE and the ED, there was a delay in posting all components of revised ESSA State Plan in time for the March 2018 SBE meeting California Department of Education

Academic Indicator for High Schools The CDE is proposing to create an Academic Indicator for grade eleven to report Distance from Level Three (DF3) to align with ESSA requirements. Will need to run distributions for grade eleven to establish cut scores for both Status and Change. California Department of Education

Selection of Schools for Comprehensive/Targeted Support The CDE is proposing: A new set of color combinations to identify schools for Comprehensive Support (i.e., 5%) over three years To identify schools for Targeted Support if they meet the same criteria for Comprehensive Support 3 out of 4 years California Department of Education

California Department of Education Changes to the ELPI In accordance with ED requirements: CDE must submit ESSA Plan with required changes to the ELPI (removing RFEP and LTEL students) Once ESSA Plan is approved by the ED, CDE can submit a waiver to the ED requesting that these students be included CDE includes in its Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency indicator not only students who were reclassified in the current year but also students who were reclassified in the prior year, meaning that they were not English learners in the year for which accountability determinations are being made. Section 1111(c)(4)(B)(iv) of the ESEA requires a State to include in this indicator only those students currently classified as English learners. Note that ESEA section 1111(b)(3)(B) provides a narrow exception that permits students previously identified as English learners to be included in the subgroup of English learners only for purposes of measuring the performance of English learners on the statewide reading/language and mathematics assessments for purposes of the State-determined accountability system. California Department of Education

California Department of Education Impact on Dashboard Although the ESSA State Plan includes revisions on how the goals are established, this will not impact the Dashboard. The Dashboard will continue to report Status; the ESSA goal is now based on Status cut scores. The Dashboard will continue to report Change, which is now an additional Academic Indicator for ESSA. The Dashboard will continue to report performance colors, which is part of the state accountability system. California Department of Education

Reporting the Participation Rate California Department of Education

Reporting Participation Rate States must report and factor the 95 percent participation rate into their accountability systems. Will impact the Academic Indicator, and Distance from Level 3 (DF3), beginning in 2018. Denominator must include at least 95 percent of all students and each student group. California Department of Education

Incorporation of Participation Rate into Academic Indicator Two proposals under consideration: Select students to bring participation rate to 95% for all students and each student group Include 100% of all eligible students in denominator ESEA section 1111(c)(4)(E)(ii) requires that a State calculate the Academic Achievement indicator by including in the denominator the greater of 95 percent of all students (or 95 percent of students in each subgroup, as the case may be) or the number of students participating in the assessments. California Department of Education

Proposed Revisions to the 2018 Dashboard On February 22, 2018, CDE and SBE staff met with U.S. Department of Education (ED) staff in Washington, DC to discuss ED interim feedback to the ESSA Plan. Based on ED guidance from this meeting, several changes to California’s Plan were proposed to the SBE at its March 2018 meeting. California Department of Education

California Department of Education Changes to 2018 Dashboard Chronic Absenteeism Indicator College/Career Indicator (CCI) Modified methods for Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) schools Graduation Rate Indicator Application of Safety Net Methodology for Student Groups Student-Level Growth Model ELPI: Not reported in 2018 Dashboard California Department of Education

California Department of Education Chronic Absenteeism Cut scores for both Status and Change will be recommended to the SBE in fall 2018 2018 Dashboard will report for the first time: Status, Change, and Performance levels (colors) California Department of Education

New Data Reported for CCI 2018 Dashboard will report: Status (Class of 2018) and Change Performance levels (colors) New career measures for the Class of 2017 California Department of Education

New Career Measures Reported for Class of 2017 State Seal of Biliteracy Articulated Career Technical Education (CTE) courses Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Leadership/Military Science (formerly ROTC) The CDE will run simulations on the following career data already collected in CALPADS: Leadership/Military Science (formerly ROTC) Work Experience Education Articulated CTE Pathways Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Based on simulation results, both groups will begin making decisions on “Prepared” and “Approaching Prepared” levels. California Department of Education

Modified Methods for DASS Schools DASS schools will receive Dashboard for the first time Modified methods under consideration include: Graduation Rate Indicator: One-Year Graduation Rate CCI: Modified Career Measures Simulations conducted on one-year graduation rate, using “90 Day Continuous Enrollment” methodology: Based on calendar year: July 1 through June 30 All grade 12 students must be enrolled for at least 90 consecutive calendar days One-year rates produced for Class of 2015, Class of 2016, and Class of 2017 Alternative Task Force will meet on March 23 to determine whether simulation results can be used to set Status and Change cut scores. California Department of Education

Graduation Rate Indicator Revision to calculation for Change: Use one- year rate (rather than the three-year average): Easier to understand and communicate Consistent with other state indicators More accurately represents actual change More transparent and easier to use California Department of Education

Five-Year Graduation Rate SBE agreed that CDE should pursue five- year rate and requested further analyses on five-year graduates: Are they students with an IEP or 504 Plan? Are they LTELs? CDE will be pursuing options for incorporating the five-year cohort rate into the Dashboard. California Department of Education

Feedback on Five-Year Graduation Rate To meet ESSA requirements, criteria for five- year rate must be more rigorous. Suggestions from RAN? How should it be reported in the Dashboard? Criteria must be more rigorous. One board member gave example of student completed their Associates Degree while also completing the 5th year of high school) How should it be reported in the Dashboard? SBE would like it reported separately. One proposal is to report it as an alternative indicator. Feedback California Department of Education

Safety Net Methodology Applied at Student Group Level SBE approved that methodology be applied to student-group level (n ≥ 30) for two state indicators: Graduation Rate Indicator: If student group has fewer than 150 students in graduating cohort Suspension Rate Indicator: If student group has fewer than 150 students who are cumulatively enrolled. California Department of Education

Safety Net Methodology Results in a refiguring of performance level tables (from a five-by-five colored table to a three-by-five) by removing two Change levels: Increased Significantly Decreased Significantly Prevents large swings in data triggered by results of a few students. California Department of Education

California Department of Education Student Growth Model 2018 Dashboard will include a Student Growth Model. Simulations have been conducted for three proposed growth models: Change-in-distance-to met Conditional percentile rank of the gain Residual gain California Department of Education

Student Growth Model: Recommendation Residual Gain model has most desirable properties overall. Conditional percentile rank model appears to be more influenced by student demographic characteristics Change-in-distance-met model appears to be more sensitive to grade configuration and content area and has slightly lower statistical precision. California Department of Education

Student Growth Model: SBE Timeline May 2018: Select student growth model July 2018: Decide on how to display and report data for student growth model September 2018: Decide on how to incorporate student growth model into 2018 Dashboard California Department of Education

Assessment and Accountability Related Items

2017-2018 Student Information and Assessment Management Systems

2018-2019 RCAN Dates 2018-2019 RCAN Dates: Friday, August 17, 2018 (Regular Meeting: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.; Mini Workshop: 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.) Friday, August 17, 2018 Friday, October 5, 2018 Friday, December 7, 2018 Friday, January 18, 2019 Friday, March 22, 2019 Friday, May 31, 2019

Upcoming Conferences/Meetings/Trainings April 9-10, 2018: Building Educator Assessment Literacy (BEAL) Training for Elementary School Mathematics Leaders OR Secondary School Mathematics Leaders Leading by SCALE, RCOE-Riverside. April 26, 2018: CAST Academy, Irvine. May 5, 2018 (Palm Springs) or May 17, 2018 (Noro): ELPAC IA Training. May 22, 2018: CAASPP “Principles of Scoring and Reporting”, Webcast. June 5, 2018: CAASPP “The Results Are In—Now What? Analyzing Evidence to Inform Teaching and Learning”, Webcast OR In-Person Training (May 30th-Irvine, May 31st-Downey, June 13th-San Diego). September 25-26, 2018: New CAASPP and ELPAC Coordinator Training, Ontario, 2018. September 27, 2018: State Assessment and Accountability Information Meeting, Ontario, 2018. November 12-14, 2018: CERA Conference, Anaheim.