10 minutes of book love
Monologue: a prolonged talk or discourse by a single speaker, especially one dominating or monopolizing a conversation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRlh_w6uRds
Based on your table group, respond to the following writing prompt: Table groups Prompt: 1. Mercutio 2. Romeo 3. Lord Capulet 4. Tybalt 5. Benvolio 6. Lady Capulet Write a monologue from the character you are assigned. This monologue should be about what your character wants more than anything else in the world and what he/she is willing to do to make that happen.
Share your monologue with your table group When you are finished sharing come to agreement on: What motivates the character more than anything else What that character would be willing to do to achieve what he/she wants
Sit with your 11 o’clock partner and Predict: How will the motivations of each character affect the plot of the play?
Lady Capulet
Complete the Character motivation worksheet
As I conduct Academic Conferences you may: Catch up on school work Check infinite campus Work on your check in sheet from yesterday Read Color