The Characteristics of Living Things
All organisms, no matter how different from each other they may be, share certain features characteristic of all living things.
1. Energy Use (Eats and Poops) All living things use energy in a process called metabolism. All living things metabolize organic matter into energy and waste. Organisms are designed to take in materials from their environment and organize them in complex ways. Organisms require energy in which to grow and reproduce, digest food, excrete wastes, defend the body against disease and respond to their surroundings
2. Cells All living things are composed of cells 2. Cells All living things are composed of cells. The human body is composed of many different kinds of cells, each of which has a structure that is related to its exact function.
3. Growth and development All living things grow 3. Growth and development All living things grow. Some nonliving things grow as well (crystals). Living things grow as a result of cell division and cell enlargement. The tadpole turns into a frog. A seed becomes a plant.
4. Response/ Response to Stimuli All organisms react to their surroundings. Stimulus and response You move your hand away when you touch a hot pan Students salivate when they eat 7 layer dip!
5. Reproduction All organisms have the ability to reproduce 5. Reproduction All organisms have the ability to reproduce. Reproduction is not essential to the survival of an organism but reproduction is necessary for the continuation of a species.
6. Adapt, changing over time (evolution) to better survive in an environment. A giraffe's tongue appears to be black, purple or blue on the tip, and it is pink toward the throat and on the underside. The dark coloration may protect the tongue from sunburn.
7. Homeostasis All organisms must make constant adjustments to their environment in order to survive. Organisms work to keep their internal environments stable. Stable internal conditions include temperature, pH, etc.
7. Homeostasis All organisms must make constant adjustments to their environment in order to survive. Organisms work to keep their internal environments stable. Stable internal conditions include temperature, pH, etc.