KING LEAR 1: The nature of a King Jonathan Peel JLS 2014 KING LEAR 1: The nature of a King
THE DIVINE RIGHT Hard to comprehend today Granted the person of the King absolute power Could not be uncoupled from the person of the King “Kings are rightly called Gods for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of Divine power ipon earth” James I THE DIVINE RIGHT Jonathan Peel JLS 2014
Contexts Performed 1606 with James I in audience James at this time considering linking Kingdoms to form great Britain James’ advice to his son is to keep Kingdoms together Contexts Jonathan Peel JLS 2014
Body Politic: a metaphor used to liken the realm to a human body and thus to embody the King as the Nation Body Natural: The actual physical manifestation of the King. See as indivisible. Lear is a living contradiction once he gives away his lands. Nature of a King Jonathan Peel JLS 2014
King as contradiction Lear gives away his “Body Politic” He retains his “Body Natural” This can not be possible according to the understanding of the times. “He has… a body natural and a body politic together indivisible…incorporated in one person” (from a legal document of the day) King as contradiction Jonathan Peel JLS 2014
Since he can not stop being King, despite giving away his power, Lear is tormented: “who is it can tell me who I am?” 1.4.221 “Where hast thou sent the King?” 3.7.50 (Cornwall) “How does my royal Lord?” 4.7.44 (Cordelia) Old and miserable King” 5.3.47 (Edmund) Continually addressed in Royal fashion by Kent, Albany and Edgar Kingly references Jonathan Peel JLS 2014
A Human touch Body politic embodies whole realm in single person He is King and Father to his realm – and to his family “A very foolish, fond old man” 4.7.60 A Human touch Jonathan Peel JLS 2014
Family 3 Daughters linked to nobility Ages unknown Mother unknown 2 married to Dukes of Cornwall and Albany – far flung outposts of the Kingdom 1 young enough to be new- married Will marry King of France Lear will, in essence, join a foreign force to take back his Kingdom. Family Jonathan Peel JLS 2014