Chapter 20 Vocabulary
Detente Easing of tensions between the United States and Soviet Union in the 1970s
Welfare State System in which the government takes responsibility for its citizens’ social and economic needs
Recession Period of reduced economic activity
Service Industry Industry that provides a service and not a product Examples???
Euro Common currency used by the member nations of the European Union
Chancellor Prime Minister
Coalition Temporary alliance of various political parties
Deficit Gap between what a government spends and what it takes in through taxes and other sources
Surplus Extra or excess
Civil Rights Movement Effort in the 1950s and 1960s to end discrimination and ensure equal rights for all Americans
Segregation Separation of the races
Separatism Movement advocating that Quebec separate from Canada and become an independent nation
Dissident Someone who speaks out against the government
Glasnost Policy of openness instituted by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s
Perestroika Restructuring of the Soviet government and economy in the 1980s
Default Fail to make payments
Ethnic Cleansing Policy of killing or forcibly removing people of a certain ethnic group Ethnic group – large group of people who share the same language and cultural heritage
War Crime Act that violates international rules of war