AP Studio Art- 2-Dimensional Composition Portfolio Walker Valley High School Spring 2017
Class Description AP Art is a program that is based on the creation of a portfolio that contains artwork that covers 2-D design principles. The portfolio consists of twenty-four high quality works that show a range of approaches (breadth), sustained investigation (concentration), and quality of final art pieces. Unlike most Advanced Placement offerings, AP Studio Art does NOT require an end-of-course test; instead, students finish the required artwork and mail five of the best pieces to College Board for quality evaluation.
Parts of the Portfolio Section I: Quality | 5 actual works for 2-D | 33% of Portfolio Score • Demonstrate mastery of design in concept, composition, and Execution Section II: Concentration | 12 digital images | 33% of Portfolio Score • Describe an in-depth explanation of a particular design concern Section III: Breadth | 12 digital images for 2-D | 33% of Portfolio Score • Demonstrate understanding of design issues
AP Central / College Board Examples
Creating a Concentration “The central idea for my concentration is to do intricate studies of fruits and vegetables.” What is the central idea of your concentration? “My general idea for my concentration consisted of humans who had lost their identity or a definition of individuality. I wanted to express what you lose when you hide your "true face" to the world and what leads up to people hiding their true personalities. I also wanted to incorporate what would come out of this concealment and how it affected one's surroundings. This was mainly influenced by my own troubles at finding myself along with the innocence I saw [in] my younger relatives' lives. ” The original vision for my concentration was the interesting structures from my home town and travels. I have always been fascinated by the formal beauty of simple structures.
Important Dates Before January 2017 * Read and draw along with The Zen of Seeing by Fredrick Frank * Commit to a concentration idea * Complete 3 concentration artworks January & February * Access your account on the AP Central website * Photo and upload your finished concentration pieces and your completed breadth work * Read The Annotated Mona Lisa by Carol Strickland March * Continue to create concentration and breadth artwork * Upload all finished pieces to AP Central website * Read Shape of Content by Ben Shahn April * Finish and upload all work before Easter Break, April 13th! May *Submit completed portfolios to College Board *Celebrate your accomplishment
Required Materials Students will need to purchase their preliminary materials that will be used this semester and throughout the next. We will begin to use the Artist Journal next Monday. 1. AP Artist Journal 8”x10” or 9”x 12” hard cover sketchbook. Paper weight 90lb or higher 2. Micron Pens - Black 05 and Black Brush Tip
Class Fee Each student participating in AP Studio Art will be required to pay a $50 material fee before Friday, January 6th. This money will be used to purchase high quality materials that will be available during class time, open studio time, as well as be available for check out. Bradley County Schools will pay for your student’s portfolio review by the College Board in May ($85).
Out of Class Work – Fall and Spring Semester In AP Art classes across the country the average outside of class work time is 5-8 hours per week. Very little in class time will be dedicated to producing concentration artworks. In class time will be allotted time for teacher presentations, exploring technique, class critic, text discussions, photographing artwork and uploading to AP Central.
After School Meeting Times- Fall Semester Open Studio - Monday afternoon 3:45 – 5:00 During this time we will alternate between covering new topics and unstructured studio time. This time is vital to the success of passing AP Art.
After School Meeting Times – Fall Semester Open Studio - Monday afternoon 3:45 – 5:00 October 3- Introduction of our first text and accompanying drawings October 17- Facilitated studio time October 24- Presentation on development of a strong concentration October 31 -Facilitated studio time November 1- Group critic and development of concentration proposals November 7- Facilitated studio time
Our Text Books and Documentary Series
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