SAPS 2015/16 BUDGET ANALYSIS 14 April 2015
Adjusted budget Expenditure trends Recommendations OVERVIEW OF THE 2014/15 FY Adjusted budget 2014/15 Main appropriation remained unchanged during adjustment period R115m shifted from Buildings and other fixed structures (Capital Assets) to Compensation of employees (Current payments) – against S34(4)(c) of the PFMA, 1999 Programmes Visible Policing and Protection and Security Services was adjusted upwards Detective Services Programme adjusted downwards Expenditure trends Not available for year-end (SAPS also not reporting) Third quarter (ending in December 2014) spending indicative: Spending on Compensation of employees R140.5m higher than planned; Spending on Goods and Service behind spending by R321.1m; Spending on payments for capital assets behind expected spending by R332.1m; Recommendations Many follow-ups which were covered in 29 January 2015 meeting Outstanding: (1) Appointment of CFO; (2) Disciplinary Code; (3) Criminality audit; (4) Border control; (5) Migration of personnel and cases from Detectives to DPCI; (6) Retention Plan for VIP Protectors
STRATEGIC OVERVIEW FOR THE 2014-19 MTEF MTSF (2014-2019) & NDP Outcome 3: All people in SA are and feel safe in MTSF lists five main sub-outcomes, yet the SAPS Strategic Plan lists four priorities, of which only the strengthening of the CJS correspond. SAPS presentation attempt to show link. Alignment lacking as many MTSF sub-outcome indicators are not included in APP. Of note the following: Improve SAPS Investigation to conduct interviews with complainants within 24h; Computer generated investigation progress report (SMS) Cybercrime strategy Reduce levels of contact crime: Customer satisfaction surveys and Assessments Crime Intelligence-driven policing is a MTSF priority: First outcome of the turn-around strategy is “declaring war against crime” – negative impact Unpack the establishment of the National Management Forum as the “main decision-making body of the SAPS” Will a National Policing Board be established as recommended by the NDP? Successes of the new Recruitment Framework SAPS Research Institute/Component: Location and Head? The manner in which the Code of conduct will be incorporated into the Disciplinary Code/Regulations CJS business plan signed and incorporated into APP as per MTSF
Revision to legislation: Dates incorrectly stated STRATEGIC OVERVIEW FOR THE 2014-19 MTEF Enterprise risk 12 crucially important risks listed, but unclear how will the Key Risk Indicators be achieved and through what measures How will charges of criminal conduct be reduced? How will inadequate security of personnel be addressed? SAPS being attacked with assault rifles? Effectiveness of street survival training? Ineffective financial management is listed, yet the CFO position vacant for more than a year. How will civilians in protection be protected? Revision to legislation: Dates incorrectly stated Animal Movement and Control Bill, 2014 Revise and repeal the Stock Theft Act, 1959 National Strategic Infrastructure Bill, 2014 Revise the National Key Points Act, 1980 Firearms Control Amendments Bill, 2014 Revise the Firearms Amendment Act, 2006 and Firearms Control Act, 2000 South African Police Service Amendment Bill, 2014 Revise the South African Police Service Act, 1995 Still based on the Interim Constitution
JCPS Cluster National Budget Ring-fenced OVERVIEW OF THE 2015/16 BUDGET JCPS Cluster R157.5 billion (23% of R679.5 billion National Budget) Police Vote R76.3 billion is 48.5% of the Cluster’s budget Defence and Millitary Veterans second largest (R44.5 billion/28%) National Police Vote second largest single budget allocation to Department (11% of National Budget) Social Development Vote R138.1 billion (20% of National Budget) Budget Main appropriation of R76.3 billion real increase of R371 million or 0.51% Holding budget (little more than inflationary increase) Perspective: 1% of SAPS Budget equals R763 million The R105.1m budget of the CSP is 0.14% of the SAPS budget The R234.8m budget of the IPID is 0.3% of the SAPS budget Ring-fenced R702.2 million appropriated to infrastructure R105 million appropriated to the CSP
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION BUDGET R16.2b, which is second largest allocation, 1.4% real increase compared to R15.3b allocation of 2014/15 The Corporate Services sub-programme received R16b of this allocation, which is 98% of the entire programme budget Office of the National Commissioner Key sub-institutions Internal Audit, Presidential Protection Services, Corporate Communication, Crime Intelligence, Executive Support, and Legal Advisory Services (Research Institute) PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Several changes to performance indicators Percentage of members declared competent in use of a handgun and legal principles - welcomed, but why only handgun? Performance indicator to maintain the ration of not more than 75/25 per cent for compensation/operational expenditure removed. Concern as expected compensation expenditure closer to 80% Performance indicator for 379 police stations to be demographically analysed Breakdown of 50 966 vehicles – how many active vans? Indicator for spending of devolved projects removed Drafting legislation replaced with drafting policies – SCP mandate IS/ICT targets welcomed
Re-enlistment drive to ensure right skills in specialised environments STAFFING PLAN 198 010 funded posts in 2014/15 198 042 funded posts in 2015/16 In 2015/16, estimated that Compensation of employees will be R57.8b out of the R72.5b total appropriation, which is almost 80% of the budget Personnel heavy? Newly established structures will be prioritised and capacitated with existing posts: Revised cluster framework: 103 Deputy Station Commander: 100 Integrity Unit: 50 Research Component:50 Trial Units: 40 Re-enlistment drive to ensure right skills in specialised environments Accelerate the recruitment process entered into partnership with SANDF to recruit from the Military skills programme to shorten training programme Should be unpacked fully Danger of having military trained personnel in civilian service Train 98 610 personnel in 4 228 priority courses Only 170 in cybercrime Bulk (40 390) in Women, Children and Victims Vispol has 106 034 funded posts (53.5% of total)
Longstanding concern – low expenditure and under performance CAPITAL WORKS PLAN Longstanding concern – low expenditure and under performance R4.3b allocation towards infrastructure environment (correction) R998.7m towards Capital Works (R687.6m NDPW/R310.8m to SAPS) R1.4b towards accommodation charges R1.1b towards private leases R997m towards municipal services 189 capital works projects in execution phase including police stations, victim friendly facilities, mobile units, electricity repairs and upgrades, generators, air conditioners and land Delineated timelines SAPS did not report capital works projects under the management of DPW Evidence stores (SAPS 13): Uniformed standard developed? Holding facilities How many of the 1 130 police stations are leased privately, from the state and owned by the SAPS New stations should be prioritised in rural areas
INFORMATION SYSTEMS/INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY PLAN The lack of delineated budget for IS/ICT projects has been a longstanding concern – low expenditure and under performance The ICT Infrastructure plan focuses on modernisation, implementation and maintenance of the following: The National Network Modernisation; Radio Communication Modernisation; Expand Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) infrastructure capacity; Establish and Modernise Audio Visual (e.g. voice, video) etc; Establishment of the Network Operations Centre; Restructure and expanded Hosting Services; and Expand and maintain End User Equipment. Becomes increasingly apparent that (1) the Department is having difficulty in spending these funds properly during the financial year, even when they are ring fenced and (2) the results of the systems are not apparent at station level to date. The impact of lack of systems within the Department has devastating effects on its ability to manage its own information in terms of, for example, the assets that it has in its possession and thus it cannot be expected to make any strategic decisions in this regard When will the fruits of the CSIR partnership be visible?
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PROGRAMME 2: VISIBLE POLICING BUDGET R38.8b, which is the largest allocation at 50.83% of total budget 0.09% real increase compared to R37.04b allocation of 2014/15 The Crime Prevention sub-programme received R30.7b of this allocation, which is 79% of the entire programme budget Border Security Sub-programme received onlyR1.7b (4.5%) 53% of entire personnel to a cost of R30.6b PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The performance indicator for stations rendering a victim friendly service have been qualified significantly and should be explained (target 100%) Split in recovery of lost/stolen firearms into state owned and private – Only 24% target for state-owned Target for rural safety reinstated New target for School Safety Plan should be welcomed but explained – what are the outcomes and value Performance indicator for reaction times to Alpha, Bravo and Charlie complaints removed – SAPS busy with process of developing customised targets. AG findings. Committee should urge SAPS to retain the target in the interim, instead of losing the measurement completely More focus on Border Security environment POPs capacitation Rejection by Treasury of R3.3b
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES BUDGET R15.8b, which is second largest allocation, 0.27% real decrease compared to R15.1b adjusted appropriation of 2014/15 The Crime Investigation sub-programme received R10.58b of the main appropriation, which is 66.89% of the entire programme budget Specialised Investigations sub-programme received R1.3b PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Targets under the effective investigation of crime lowered and based on the previous FY performance Achievement of the SAPS in CJS targets should be questioned Conviction rate for serious crime Study by SA Institute for Race Relations found that the convictions rate is only 22% Nearly 78% of cases brought by the SAPS are rejected by prosecutors Arrest to investigate, not investigate to arrest Effectiveness of Detective Court Case Officers (DCCOs) Assets seized in serious commercial cases remains too low – despite MTSF target it should be increased Cybercrime (worth $445b annually worldwide: SA R5.8b) New indicator should be welcomed, but the target for an 18% detection rate is too low Capacity of the Unit? Only 170 members trained?
Forensic Science Laboratory PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES DPCI Significant challenges SAPS should comply with legislation S17H(5): Budget must be ring-fenced S17K(2A): Budget must include a full breakdown of the DPCI Budget S17K(2B): The National Head of the Directorate shall make a presentation to Parliament on the budget of the DPCI Migration of cases and personnel Stability of the DPCI Impact of the Constitutional Court Judgement (Nov 2014) especially on the Policy Guidelines Forensic Science Laboratory Four (4) new targets should be welcomed especially in terms of DNA Intelligence cases DNA cases target of 65 days Explain non-routine case exhibits. Target of 75 days possibly too long? Status of MOU with Dept. of Health in terms of Toxicology and blood alcohol Significant backlog impacting the SAPS A JCPS Cluster Protocol known as the JCPS NDOH Toxicology Protocol Implemented by last quarter of 2013/14 Signed by the SAPS
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PROGRAMME 4: CRIME INTELLIGENCE BUDGET Main appropriation of R3.1b, which is a real percentage increase of 3% compared to R2.8b allocation of 2014/15 Sub-programmes relatively equally resourced Crime Intelligence Operations sub-programme receive R1.3b Intelligence and Information Management sub-programme receive R1.7b Office of the National Commissioner MTSF focussed on Intelligence-led policing. Policy developed? PERFORMANCE INDICATORS New indicator to have 13 350 enquiries investigated, which is establishing the facts and truth surrounding an allegation before operationalising the information. The SAPS allow 14 working days for the finalisation of the process (too long) Are confidentiality ensured? The enquiry investigations leads to network operations, of which the SAPS targets to conduct 759 operations, which is approved by a National or Provincial Network Operation Committee. Who serves on these Committees? Ad hoc operations are initiated by other components based on information from the CI environment – must be explained Explain decrease in Crime Intelligence reports (from 261 193 to 158 283) Turn-around strategy
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PROGRAMME 5: PROTECTION AND SECURITY SERVICES BUDGET Smallest portion of Vote Main appropriation of R2.3b, which is a real percentage increase of 3.6% real increase compared to R2.1b allocation of 2014/15 The VIP Protection sub-programme received R1.004b of this allocation, which is 43% of the total programme budget The Government Security Regulator sub-programme received a 9.6% real increase from R96.8m in 2014/15 to R111.2m in 2015/16 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The performance indicator for the Percentage of National Key Points (NKPs) and Strategic Installations audited/evaluated was split into two targets – PSS to evaluate 191 NKPs PPS to evaluate 13 NKPs (new target) Must be explained Increase in number of NKPs to 204 Retention strategy Overtime paid to VIP Protectors
SAPS has some significant challenges CONCLUSION SAPS has some significant challenges Most prominent of these challenges are related to “Policing smarter” IS/ICT budgets not spent with projects having little tangible results Infrastructure budget is not spent with long lead times on stations being finalised, which leads to escalation in costs The prioritisation of the CJS modernisation lacking Fear that SAPS remove targets if not being achieved Alignment to MTSF priorities lacking The strategic priorities stated by the SAPS, like professionalising and demilitarisation lists a host of activities, but was any thought given to what a professional and demilitarised police service in a democratic dispensation looks like? How will the impact of these activities be measured? As we celebrate 20 years of policing in a democracy the Committee should critically evaluate the progress of the SAPS and the value for money received for the second largest National Vote
Nicolette van Zyl-Gous Researcher: PC on Police 021 403 8416