SunAdvantageTM my savings Introduction to the RSP/DPSP/TFSA online application
SunAdvantage my savings website Sun Life has a convenient, quick online application available on the SunAdvantage my savings site. Go to and from the ‘Advisors’ or ‘Small business owners’ page, simply click the ‘Apply now’ button to get started.
Information you will need before beginning
RSP/DPSP/TFSA: Welcome page * Mandatory fields. To proceed, the person filling out the application must be able to click “yes” in both boxes. Welcome page for the SunAdvantage my savings RSP/DPSP/TFSA – Terms and conditions. All fields preceded by a red asterisk throughout the application are required fields. To proceed, the person filling out the application must be able to click “yes” in both boxes: - Terms and Conditions must be agreed to by clicking “yes”. - You must be a signing officer of the company to click “yes”.
Employer information page Contact information will always be available on every page of the application. As you move through the questions in the application, hover over the ‘Question marks’ for more information.
Contact information pages If the Employer information and Contact information are the same, simply select the first check box and all information on this page (except ‘Preferred language’) will pre-fill with the Employer information from the previous page.
Plan information page: Business and RSP information sections On this page, if you don’t select ‘Employer contributions’ under either the Member RSP or the Spousal RSP, the ‘Employer contributions restricted’ selection button will be disabled.
Plan information page: Business information section If your response is ‘Yes’ in answer to the question ‘Do you have any other group business with Sun Life Financial?’, you will be prompted to provide your Group Benefits policy number and Plan Sponsor Access ID and/or your GRS Client/Plan ID and Plan Sponsor Access ID. These are not required fields. my savings is designed for businesses with two or more employees and more than $10,000 of cash flow, so you must indicate $10,000 or more in response to ‘Estimated annual contributions’ and 2 or more in response to’ Estimated membership’.
Plan information page: Business information section con’t If you answer ‘Yes’ in response to the question ‘Will this plan replace an existing retirement savings plan?’, you will be prompted to provide additional information.
Plan information page cont’d: TFSA and DPSP information sections
Plan information page cont’d: TFSA and DPSP information sections The questions displayed in this section are different depending on whether you select the first option (new DPSP) or the second option (existing DPSP). These are the required fields for a new DPSP.
Plan information page: DPSP information section cont’d The questions displayed in this section are different depending on whether you select the first option (new DPSP) or the second option (existing DPSP). These are the required fields for an existing registered DPSP.
Plan information page cont’d: DPSP information – Statement of variables
Plan information page cont’d: DPSP information – Pre-determined variables Select the twisty ‘The following variables are pre-determined for a DPSP under the SunAdvantage my savings product:’ to see all of the variables/definitions that apply to the Sun Life Financial SunAdvantage my savings DPSP.
Plan information page cont’d: DPSP information – Specimen agreement You must select ‘Yes’ in response to the statement ‘I agree to the Specimen DPSP statements as outlined above’ in order to continue with the application. This is considered an electronic signature of acceptance.
Plan information page cont’d: Contribution remittance method If you select ‘Option 1: Payroll Provider Submission’ you can then select the applicable payroll provider from the drop-down menu. If you select ADP or Ceridian there are 3 paragraphs of text that will display, as well as the question that asks ‘Are you interested in having your payroll provider send contributions to Sun Life on your behalf?’ If you select ‘Yes’ in answer to that question, you will then be asked to provide Payroll identifications number(s). If there is more than one Payroll identification number, you can enter up to 5 numbers, separated by commas.
Advisor information page When the response is ‘Yes’ in answer to the question ‘Did an advisor help you with the SunAdvantage my savings purchase?’ additional fields will display. The Advisor/Broker name, the Commission option, the Telephone number and Email address are all required fields.
Application: Summary page The Application Summary will display all of the questions, content and responses from the previous sections of the application. By selecting ‘Edit’ in the appropriate section, you will be returned to the applicable page and can make edits to the information previously provided. Make the appropriate edits, then select the ‘Return to Summary’ button at the bottom of the page. Once you are satisfied that all information provided is correct, select ‘Submit’ to proceed with the application. You will receive a confirmation and access to a copy of your application.
Application: Confirmation The Confirmation page provides additional information about the ‘next steps. Select the ‘Application form’ link under ‘What can you do now?’ and a PDF version of the application will launch. You can save and/or print a copy of your application. The ‘Print view’ button will allow you to print a copy of this ‘Confirmation’ page which includes the Confirmation number, and the Date and Time the application was submitted. Once your application has been processed, you will receive your access ID and password to log into the Plan Sponsor Services website. From there you can provide us with your pre-authorized withdrawal banking information if you chose Option 2 (Excel file upload) or Option 3 (Entering contributions online) for submitting contributions to Sun Life.
Next steps A copy of the application will automatically be sent to our Group Retirement Services Plan Set Up team who will proceed with the set up of your new SunAdvantage my savings plan. An email will be sent to the plan sponsor and advisor in a few days confirming the policy numbers and providing pre-filled enrolment forms for employees to complete.