World War 2: Medical Advancements Shay White History 12 12/17/13
War allowed medical advances to be made at a much quicker pace Medicine was the direct response to the weaponry and injuries WWII brought Medicine saved one of 2 soldiers lives
Malaria Sir Neil Hamilton Fairley probed problem one tablet per day of mepacrine could keep malaria at bay The source of quinine was captured by Japan, The Allies able to create synthetic version of quanine
Penicillin discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming pre war Howard Florey and Ernest Chain helped with this process 1945 penicillin much stronger than 1939 During D day - effective against grangrene
Tetanus Risk of tetanus decreased with immunizations Helpful at Dunkirk
Chemical Warfare Chemical warfare was a big issue Certain drugs helped But most medicine research just led to the development of gas masks
Fight Against Infection 1936 – first effective sulphonamides used to fight against various diseases