Warm-up: Describe the 2 main events that brought America into World War I
The Homefront
Gathering Troops Congress passes the Selective Service Act in May requiring men ages 21 to 30 to register with the local draft (later changed to ages of 18 to 45). By the end of the war 24 million men had registered and 2.8 million of them were drafted. African-American, American Indians, and Mexican Americans experienced discrimination and segregation.
Going to War Training camps were hastily constructed. Not enough uniforms and equipment. Medical examinations and tests. Convoy system safely transports 2 million soldiers past German U-boats (not one casualty). U.S. laid 60,000 mines in a 240 mile necklace in North Sea.
Over There American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) embarks for France and arrive in June 1917. Headed by General John Pershing, a native Missourian, who led expedition on Pancho Villa in Mexico. Instrumental in driving back Germans. Many women went to war as nurses for the Red Cross working in military hospitals.
Government & War Government issued Liberty Bonds to help finance the war. New government agencies are founded to increase control of the economy by overseeing war-related production: War Industries Board (Barnard Baruch) War Trade Board National War Labor Board Food Administration (Herbert Hoover)-worked to increase farm output and reduce waste Women’s Committee of the Council of National Defense
Keeping the Home Fires Burning Women started working outside the home Everyone was encouraged to help the war effort: Victory gardens Rationing Daylight savings time