Overview The FY 2011 Operating Budget for the period October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011 is due to HUD by Thursday, September 30, Informational Presentation limited to the Public Housing and Hope VI Programs areas. For FY 2011, the Authority will be submitting balance budgets to HUD for both Public Housing and HOPE VI Programs.
Operating Receipts Highlights (in millions $) Total Rental Income $ % Decrease from FY 2010 due to increase in projected write-offs. HUD Contribution $35.9 A net 1.3% increase with the $1.5 million loss due to Stop Loss which is offset by increase funding level from 91% to 100% plus increase in 1.8 million of ARRA Administrative fees. Other Income $ 0.2 Increase in dividend income. _____ Total Operating Receipts $53.8 Overall.2% increase.
Year 1 – HUD Reasons for Non-Compliance Central Warehouse Still Existed Craft Not Reporting at AMPs No Fee for Service Not Enough AMPs Year 2 – HUD Reasons for Non-Compliance No Maintenance Generalist COCC Not Cash Flowing
Operating Expenses Highlights (in millions $) Salaries & Fringes $ % Decrease due to restructuring which is equivalent to 5 FTEs This line item funds 201 positions (of which 87 craft positions) Administrative Expenses $ 1.4 Reduction of $189,000 of expenses such as telephone, copier lease, and few administrative service contracts. Tenant Services $ 0.2 Flat – No Change Utilities $ % increase in water, sewer, gas and electricity
Operating Expenses Highlights (in millions $) Maintenance Materials & Contracts $ % or $257,000 reduction Protective Services $ 2.5 Increase of $847,400 in SFPD and outside security contracts. Fees $11.2 Increase in fees to COCC which include management, bookkeeping, and asset management fees calculated based on HUD published guidelines. These include services rendered by the COCC maintenance crew on a fee for service basis. Insurance $ 2.3 Includes 10% provision for increase in insurance premiums.
Operating Expenses Highlights (in millions $) Other General Expenses $ 0.04 Flat – No significant change Other Non-Routine Expenses $ 0.2 Reduction of $455,650. _________ Total Operating Expenses $54.1 Overall 1.9% increase.
Area 1 - #316 Program Manager II
Area 2 - #317 Program Manager II
Area 3 - #318 Program Manager II
Area 4 - #319 Program Manager II
73% of Total