What Is Proposal Writing A matter of understanding your situation A process of deliberation An act of match making An act of persuasion An act of selling An entrepreneurial endeavor A way of life
Understanding Yourself Your current situation/need/problem causes problems effects or potential consequences Your desired situation ideal state potential benefits
Understanding Your Client Their philosophy Their need Their desired state Their benefits
Making the Match Your Situation Their Situation Your Proposal Your Desired State Their Desired State
Raising Expectations Give a mouse a cookie And he’ll ask you for a glass of milk Give your audience a problem And they’ll ask for a solution
Meeting Expectations If you promise your mouse a cookie, You’d better have a cookie. If you propose to do a project, You’d better show why you’re qualified to do it.
A Taxonomy of Proposals Unsolicited Proposals internal proposals business proposals partnership proposals contract proposals dissertation proposals Solicited Proposals conference proposals foundation proposals government r&d proposals book proposals contract proposals
A Different Taxonomy Analytic Proposals Service/Product Proposals Research proposals R&D proposals Consulting proposals Service/Product Proposals Service proposals Product proposals