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There are two parts to the legal benefit: 1. Free Consultation 2. Legal Documents
Available on any legal matter, at any time, for as many events as allowed by your employers contract with First Sun. This is at no cost to you. Consultations cover issues like: Family Law Criminal Law Many other legal situations Free Consultation
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Most Common Legal Documents 1. Simple Will 2, Living Will 3. Power of Attorney 4. Medical Power of Attorney
A Simple Will is a document that allows you to direct who gets what money and property when you pass away. It also allows you to direct custody of minor children in the event of your death. Simple Will
Scenario: Mr. Brown marries, has a child, gets a divorce and marries another woman that has children from a prior marriage. Mr. Brown wishes to provide for his step-children as well as to make a request for specific items to go to his own child. A Simple Will will allow him to do this. Simple Will
Scenario: Mr. and Mrs. Preston have two minor children. In the event that they pass away together, they desire to leave custody of the children to her parents. Only a valid Simple Will allows Mr. and Mrs. Preston to accomplish this goal. Simple Will
A Simple Will also allows you to limit access to the estate until your children become adults. Simple Will
Scenario: Mr. and Mrs. Preston want to provide funds for college for their children. With a Simple Will they can establish her parents obligation to hold the value of the estate in trust for the children, using it for college expenses prior to the age of 21 years. Only at the designated age will the children be full beneficiaries of the estate. A valid Simple Will allows them to accomplish this goal. Simple Will
If by some accident or catastrophic illness you become comatose and vegetative, a Living Will is a legal document that allows you to make your own decision, in advance and in writing, about whether you want to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means. This document does not take effect until two doctors verify both that you are in a coma and that you are unlikely to ever recover. Living Will
Scenario: Mr. Green has decided that his preference would be to not be kept alive by artificial means. If he has a valid Living Will he takes the burden off of his family to make this agonizing decision. Living Will
A Power of Attorney provides authorization to act on someone elses behalf in a legal business or matter. Power of Attorney
Scenario: Ms. Jones mother is still competent at age 75, but she has lost some of the ability to handle her everyday business affairs. A Power of Attorney allows Ms. Jones to designate her daughter as an agent to access bank accounts, pay bills, collect debts or sign contracts. Power of Attorney
A Medical Power of Attorney designates a person to make healthcare decisions on ones behalf. Medical Power of Attorney
Scenario: Mr. Smiths father is going into the hospital for serious surgery. He wants to make sure his son can access medical records, discuss treatment options and make medical decisions on his fathers behalf. A Medical Power of Attorney will accomplish this goal. Medical Power of Attorney
Description of document production process… Option 1: Click here to use our interactive software to create your own documents, free of charge.Click here Option 2: Call us at and we will connect you with an attorney to produce the desired documents for you. Fees vary according to the documents requested. Legal Documents
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