For Those Affected by Trafficking Week Beginning Monday 29th January 2018 For Those Affected by Trafficking There are an estimated 27 million slaves in the world today—more than any other time in history. Pray for an awakening to move like wildfire in our country and around the world to bring an end to slavery once and for all.
Monday 29th January 2018 What does this quote mean to you: What do you understand by human trafficking? Does human trafficking reflect the love demonstrated by Jesus? Are there times when we can better follow Jesus’ example of love for others? What does this quote mean to you: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34
Born into poverty in an occupied land, Let us pray: Outcast Lord, Born into poverty in an occupied land, Driven from your land as your family fled violence, Living alongside the marginalised and the oppressed. Dying between criminals to the jeers of the crowd, Open our eyes, that we who seek to follow you may recognise your face in the faces of those who are enslaved. Open our ears, that we who seek to hear your word, may recognise your love in the stories which are often drowned out. Open our hearts, that we who seek your way of life may be bold in witnessing to your longing for justice and peace. Amen.