Keeping Safe: Child Sexual Exploitation By the end of this Session you will: Understand what sexual exploitation is. Be able to identify some of the signs that it could be happening to a young person. Know who to talk to if you or your child has been affected 5 Mins: Share, explain & discuss the objectives with the group.
CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION WHAT IS IT? Child Sexual Exploitation is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity in exchange for things such as money, gifts, accommodation, affection, or status. The child or young person often does not recognise the coercive nature of the relationship and does not see themselves as a victim of exploitation.
Year 7 and 8
Year 9: Emma’s Story
Kayleigh’s Love Story-years 10 and 11
Keeping Safe
Keeping Safe
Keeping Safe
Keeping Safe
Reading the Signs……If a young person is being sexually exploited they may be doing some of these….. Receiving unexplained money and/or presents. Being discouraged from attending school. Going missing for a few days at a time. Going on the internet very late at night. Regularly seen in a different car. Being encouraged to be secretive & stay away from family & friends. Dressing inappropriately. 5 mins: Go through & discuss the signs & indicators.
For help and advice or to make a report go to:
Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business: If you are worried about your child or someone you know…