Digital Measures Web-based Activity Reporting System Help Session About Digital Measures Data Upload (teaching, advising, SROIs) Unlink Records Entered by Another Faculty Import Data (Google Scholar, PubMed) Creating Reports (Vita, Annual Report, PTE Portfolio) Login:
ABOUT DIGITAL MEASURES Customizable web-based system: collects and reports faculty activities in an easy to use digital format Improve unit ability to respond to data requests Improve consistency and accuracy across campus reporting Over 2,000 institutions use Digital Measures
DIGITAL MEASURES AT NDSU Implementation Steering Committee: includes faculty and staff from each college, OIRA, R&R, ITS Pre-loaded data: imported data from PeopleSoft Optional PTE portfolio preparation: 2018 applicants Data Entry Service: contact for assistance in entering your CV into DM
Manage Activities: Add or update information about the activities you accomplish. Rapid Reports: Provides a quick way to see how the data will be presented PasteBoard: Tool that allows you to copy-and-paste content from other sources such as MS Word or PDF Run Reports: Run reports that have been custom-built for your campus. Help: Submit suggestions on how to improve the system, questions about use of the system, or report system errors. Left-Hand Menu
MANAGE ACTIVITIES Will take you to the screens where you will enter your data (and review data which has been already entered from PeopleSoft).
RAPID REPORTS RUN RAPID REPORTS e.g., Annual Report, Vita, Promotion and Tenure In the left menu column, select Rapid Reports. To run a report, select the Report template from the drop down menu. Change the Start Date so that Digital Measures can assemble your data. This step is important. Select dates that apply to the report you are generating. For example, the Annual Faculty Activity Report covers only January 1-December 31 whereas tenure and promotions reports may need the Start Date to be six years or more. Select the File Format (e.g., Word, PDF, or HTML).
PROMOTION & TENURE REPORT NOTE: Before creating the PTE portfolio/report make sure to enter your data to the “Promotion and Tenure” screen. Click on “Rapid Reports“ Select “Promotion and Tenure Portfolio” from the drop-down list. Select the date range to use for the portfolio. Select the file format as Microsoft Word or PDF. Click on “Run Report.”
RUN REPORTS (CUSTOMIZE YOUR CV) Use this utility to run reports that were custom- built for NDSU or to create a new CV to your own specifications. SEE GUIDE:
TIPS AND KEY NOTES ACTIVITIES NEED DATES: Enter at least one year for each activity. Otherwise, activities will not save and will not print in the reports INDICATE PUBLICATION STATUS : Publications need “Current Status” (e.g., accepted, published) indicated, otherwise the report does not include these records ADD ANOTHER CONTRIBUTOR : The first to create a record is the record owner and his or her last name will appear in the far left drop- down list “People at North Dakota State University” ADD NDSU CONTRIBUTOR: select his or her last name in the far left drop-down list “People at North Dakota State University” ADD NON-NDSU CONTRIBUTOR: type their name in the fields, “First Name, M., Last Name”.
RE-ORDER CONTRIBUTORS LIST NOTE: Use the arrows to re-order contributors in a list. You would do the same in any kind of record where you see this feature. NOTE: The first to create a record is the record owner and his or her last name in the far left drop-down list "People at North Dakota State University"
REMOVE TAGGED RECORD NOTE: You CAN remove or edit records linked to your account, in spite of the lock icon. SCENARIO EXAMPLE: Faculty member A creates a record and tags faculty member B, but faculty member B already created the record in their account, so now there is a duplicate. Faculty member B logs into their account and notices they have a duplicate. See step-by-step instructions:
IMPORT CITATIONS FROM OTHER SYSTEMS TWO WAYS TO IMPORT BIBTEX FILES: EndNote, Google Scholar, RefWorks... and more DIRECT IMPORT: from Crossref, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science For details on this feature visit:
RECENTLY DELIVERED UPDATES Revised Academic Advising Screen. Has been updated so faculty can adjust the number of undergraduate/graduate advisees Updated so faculty can upload multiple SROI files Revised Scheduled Teaching; Contracts Fellowships Grants and Sponsored Research Screen. Enabled faculty to upload multiple files
Scheduled Teaching & Academic Advising at Other Institutions
Teaching Innovation & Curriculum Development
COMING MID 2018 Notifications that tell a user when a collaborator adds a record and links them to it, and that give the user the option to accept or reject the record
CONTACTS Canan Bilen-Green, Office of the Provost Emily Berg, Institutional Research Annette Ruiz, Office of the Provost David Buchanan, AFSNR Dan Friesner, HP Joel Hektner, Human Development and Education Christina Weber, AHSS Rhonda Kitch, Registration & Records Richard Frovarp, ITS Viet Doan, Enrollment Management