SPIMEU Attitude and working methods of general practitioners in selective prevention of cardiometabolic diseases Niek de Wit Monika Hollander Anders.


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Presentation transcript:

SPIMEU Attitude and working methods of general practitioners in selective prevention of cardiometabolic diseases Niek de Wit Monika Hollander Anders Søderlund Anne-Karien de Waard Joke Korevaar On behalf of the SPIMEU project group

SPIMEU project: WP6 Attitude professionals

Methods: Questionnaire for general practitioners (GPs) Distribution in 5 countries: Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Greece and Czech Republic Random sample of GPs Aim: 500 completed questionnaires in total Questions about: GP and practice characteristics Current activities in selective prevention of cardiometabolic diseases Opinion about (selective) prevention

Characteristics GPs SW N=70 DK N=100 NL N=103 GR N=109 CZ N=121   SW N=70 DK N=100 NL N=103 GR N=109 CZ N=121 Overall N=503 Male (%) 40 54 45 49 36 Age (%) < 50 61 34 64 84  69 62  50 39 66 16 31 38 Smoking (% yes) 1 28 4 7 SW: Sweden; DK: Denmark; NL: The Netherlands; GR; Greece; CZ: The Czech Republic

Approach of patients for selective prevention of CMD

Statement 3 Kahoot To identify and treat high-risk persons a pro-active approach is more effective in addition to case-finding alone

Availability protocol for selective prevention of CMD

Availability of disease management programs

Opinion of GPs towards selective prevention of CMD

Selective prevention of CMD belongs to the tasks of the GP Statement 4 Kahoot Selective prevention of CMD belongs to the tasks of the GP

Opinion of GPs towards selective prevention of CMD

Conclusion professionals GPs: invite patients actively (46%) and opportunistically (52%) for selective prevention of CMD Offer disease management programs Have a positive attitude towards selective prevention of CMD and think it belongs to their tasks The extensiveness of the actions differs between the countries which gives opportunities for improvement

Take home message Cardiometabolic diseases (CMD) are an increasing problem GPs can play an important role in (selective) prevention of CMD and they have a positive attitude towards this The extensiveness of the activities varies across countries and this offers opportunities for improvement, especially in the invitation step Identification of hampering and facilitating factors may help to improve the implementation of selective prevention of CMD across Europe

SPIMEU E-mail: a.k.m.dewaard-3@umcutrecht.nl Website: www.spimeu.org Twitter: @SPIMEU Disclaimer The content of this presentation represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it can not be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.   Funding This presentation is part of the project / joint action ‘663309 / SPIM EU’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020).