Phases, eclipses, and tides Ch. 1, Section 3 Page 20 – 27
I. Phases, Eclipses, and Tides a. The __NEAR__ side of the moon __ALWAYS__ faces the Earth. b. The __FAR__ side of the moon always faces __AWAY__ the Earth. BrainPop Apollo (4:58)
II. MOTIONS OF THE MOON a. The moon __REVOLVES__ around the Earth and __ROTATES__ on its own axis. b. The changing relative positions of the __MOON__, __EARTH__, and __SUN__ cause the phases of the moon, __ECLIPSE__, and tides. c. The moon __ROTATES__ once on its __AXIS__ in the same mount of time as it __REVOLVES__ around Earth. Sychronous Rotations of Moon (2:19)
III. PHASES OF THE MOON a. The moon does __NOT__ produce light, instead it __REFLECTS__ light from the __SUN__. b. You __CAN__ see the moon because of the __REFLECTED__ light from the sun. c. The different __SHAPES__ of the moon you see from Earth are called __PHASES__. d. The __PHASES__ of the moon you see depends on how much of the __SUNLIT__ side of the moon faces Earth. e. The moon goes in a cycle every __29.5__ days.
Moon Phases BrainPop Moon Phases (4:08)
IV. ECLIPSES a. When the moon’s __SHADOW__ hits Earth or Earth’s shadow hits the moon, an __ECLIPSE__ occurs. b. When an object in space comes between the __SUN__ and a __THIRD__ object, it casts a __SHADOW__ on that object, causing an __ECLIPSE__. c. There are __2__ types of eclipses: __SOLAR__ eclipses and __LUNAR__ eclipses. d. Solar = __SUN__ e. __LUNAR__ = Moon
A. When Do Solar Eclipses Occur? a. A __SOLAR__ eclipse occurs when the __MOON__ passes directly between __EARTH__ and the __SUN_, blocking sunlight from Earth. b. The __MOON’S__ shadow hits Earth, causing a __SOLAR__ eclipse
B. Total Solar Eclipses a. The __DARKEST__ part of the moon’s shadow is the __UMBRA__ b. During a __TOTAL__ solar eclipse the sky grows __DARK__ and the temperature gets __COLD__. C. Partial Solar Eclipses a. The largest part of the __SHADOW__ is called the __PENUMBRA__
D. When Do Lunar Eclipses Occur? a. A __LUNAR__ eclipse occurs at a __FULL__ moon when Earth is directly between the __MOON__ and the __SUN__ b. __LUNAR__ eclipse occurs when the __EARTH__ blocks sunlight from reaching the __MOON__ BrainPop Eclipses (2:39)
V. TIDES a. The __RISE__ and fall of ocean water is called __TIDES__. b. The force of __GRAVITY__ pulls the __MOON__ and __EARTH__ toward each other.
A. Spring Tides a. The __GRAVITY__ of the sun and the moon pull In the __SAME__ direction causing a __SPRING__ tide. b. Spring __TIDES__ occur twice a __MONTH__, at __NEW__ moon and at a __FULL__ moon. c. Example: 1. __MOON__, __EARTH__, and __SUN__ or __EARTH__, __MOON__, and __SUN__
B. NEAP TIDE a. __NEAP__ tides have the __LEAST__ difference between low and high tides. b. Neap __TIDES__ occur __TWICE__ a month, __1st__ and __3rd__ quarter moons. c. Neap tides occur when the __MOON__ and __SUN__ are at __90 DEGREE__ angles BrainPop Tides (1:58)