BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in ICT
Alternative Formats For the occasions when you might want to export an entire spreadsheet file, Microsoft Excel offers you the opportunity to save the files in different formats. To save in a different format, you merely need to choose a different file type when going through the Save As… dialogue. Remember that each of the formats will present the file in the file management system with a different icon. What you should notice is that as the file extensions are different for each format, the file name can actually remain the same!
Task Save your spreadsheet in a different format. Provide screen shot evidence of this and present it in either Microsft Word or PowerPoint with a written commentary. In Microsoft Excel, click on the Office Button and go to Save As... Where it says Save as type:, choose Web Page (*.htm;*.html) from the drop down list. Select an appropriate location to save it and give it a suitable file name. The spreadsheet will then be saved as a web page that can be viewed via Internet Explorer or another browser.