officeatwork Dials Up Increased Exposure, Downloads officeatwork is a Microsoft Gold ISV Partner based in Switzerland. It provides SaaS solutions atop Office 365, empowering organizations of any size and industry to achieve more. The focus lies on surfacing organizational content and processes within Office 365, uplifting the platform to become an indispensable line of business asset that no organization can afford to be without. To learn more about officeatwork, visit “The telesales campaign delivered 6 qualified leads and 41 interested contacts and gave officeatwork access to over 8,500 contacts at companies using Office 365. Office Store stats show the impact of the Editors Pick and the tweet measured in downloads of the add-ins.” – Martin Seifert, CEO, officeatwork officeatwork365 lets users create new documents efficiently on any platform or device by accessing organizational templates within their Office applications with just one click. Looking to attract customers to its solution, officeatwork turned to Microsoft and the Go-To-Market Services team. An officeatwork telesales campaign delivered six qualified leads and 41 interested contacts and gave officeatwork access to over 8,500 contacts at companies using or implementing Office 365. officeatwork also undertook an Office Store Merchandising initiative, with its offerings being placed on the Office Store homepage and other prime locations. The partner’s apps all rose in the store ranks, and downloads more than tripled. officeatwork amplified exposure with a tweet on @Office365 and a post on the Microsoft Partner Apps Blog. All of these efforts were facilitated by the Go-To-Market Services team. Microsoft Go-To-Market Services gives app builders exclusive resources to help boost app exposure, improve app performance, and build better cloud businesses. See how you can benefit at: Working With