Great Truths about Revenue Management Systems brought to us by various cartoonists Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Nothing can stop automation Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Don‘t set too ambitious deadlines Deadline is deadline ! Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Always listen to the market Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
exactly what I‘m telling you ! Users don‘t like bugs O.k., and now you‘ll do exactly what I‘m telling you ! Access denied Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Simulation expertice helps Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Not every presentation is successful Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
What suits one customer might not suit the next Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Look for efficient solutions Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Support!different situations by specific tools Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
On-line help can be useful Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Forecasting and optimization are complex Come on! It can‘t go wrong every time... Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Select significant attributes for your forecaster Which one Is mine? Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Maths is not everything Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P
Use check-lists for testing ears neck feet Stefan Pölt, FRA IN/P