Project Management M I S S I O N WP1: Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 M I S S I O N WP1: Project Management And finally, I shall briefly draw your attention to the last work package of Mission, dealing with the organization of the Closing Conference which will take place in March 2008 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 M I S S I O N European Commission Centre of Multifunctional Materials and New Processes with Environmental Impact Kick off meeting Unit 1 LEADER WP01 management Scientific Decision management Financial COORDINATOR Final meeting MISSION INTERNET - term meetings mail, fax, phone communications Mid Portal c ommunication e Reports Minutes management Administrative Coordinator Unit/WP leaders STEERING COMMITTEE Go Virtual network ADVISORY BOARD WP program and its updating Coordination of the WP activity execution Progress and problem discussions Progress reports Final report Target Units Unit 2 LEADER WP06, WP09 Unit 3 LEADER WP02 Unit 4 LEADER WP03 Unit 3 LEADER WP02 Unit 3 LEADER WP02 Unit 7 LEADER WP07 Unit 8 LEADER WP08 Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
M I S S I O N WP1: Objectives Scientific Management Technical Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 M I S S I O N WP1: Objectives Scientific Management Technical Management Financial Management To control the schedule of all scientific tasks including the progress of PhD theses. To manage the various training courses. To control the working conditions of PhD students and young researchers. To manage the visits of invited scientists. To manage the organization of planned meetings. To help in the establishment of virtual communications. To control the adequate financing of all planned tasks To supervise the financial documentation Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Financial Information Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 M I S S I O N WP1: Financial Information Scientific meetings and training Management Invited European scientists and PhD students Personal contracts Equipment and consumables Visits abroad of MISSION participants Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Justification for the new apparatus M I S S I O N WP1: Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT-2005-016414 M I S S I O N WP1: Justification for the new apparatus Powder X-ray Diffractometer – 140 000 EURO The X-ray diffractometer available at IGIC is a DRON-3 apparatus made in the 70ies and is not able to cover the need for accurate and detailed characterization of all kinds of materials connected with the MISSION activities Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer - 50 000 EURO The flame atomic absorption spectrometer at IGIC, produced in 1983, is without computer control. A new modern instrument is very important for the project realization Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences