Lesson 1.1: What is Culture? Cultural Dimensions Lesson 1.1: What is Culture?
Essential Question What do we mean by the word “culture”?
Perspective Culture is the way of life of a given society. It includes the way people think, act, interact with each other, and make decisions. It also defines what individuals eat, what they wear, what they think is right or wrong, and much more. Culture is passed down from one generation to another. What individuals learn from their parents and those individuals they grew up with, such as teachers, uncles, aunts, and neighbors, is passed down to future generations.
Think back upon your own life Think back upon your own life. Where and from whom did you learn how to think, act, interact with others, what and how to eat, what to wear, how to distinguish right from wrong? Which persons or groups have the most influence on YOUR culture?
Talking Drawing What is culture? Complete the worksheet in which you illustrate your ideas of what culture represents to you.
Everyone Has A culture Complete the worksheet individually. When you are done, be prepared to share some of your answers with your groups. We will be discussing this as a class.
Culture is like an Iceberg
What did you notice in the picture of the iceberg? Culture is like an iceberg. Some characteristics of culture are visible, like the top of the iceberg, however, there are many which are not readily visible, like the portion of the iceberg below the water. Complete the Culture is Like an Iceberg Activity.
Ticket out of the Door In order to leave today, you must complete this ticket out of the door. On a half sheet of paper define “culture” in your own words. Provide 2-3 specific examples of cultural attributes and how they may differ with people from other countries. Your responses must be written in complete sentences!