Freak The Mighty Test Review
Round 1 –Will The Winner’s Win? The literary term for the universal message or lesson learned is what? Theme
Round 2 –Will The Winner’s Win? The problem within the story and/or struggle between two opposing forces (internally within his or her self, or externally (character vs. character, character vs. nature; character vs. object) is known as the what? Conflict
Round 3 –Will The Winner’s Win? Hints or clues that the author gives you to tell you what might happen next or later on in the story is called what? Foreshadowing
Round 4 –Will The Winner’s Win? This literary element represents something other than its literal self. This is usually an object or a thing. Symbolism
Round 5 –Will The Winner’s Win? What is the first step when we see a signpost (memory moment, again and again moment, aha! Moments) Stop
Round 5 –Will The Winner’s Win? What question do you ask your self for… Memory Moments? Again and again moments? Aha! Moments? Memory moments (Why might this memory be important (think theme, conflict, or foreshadowing)?) Again and again moments (Why might the author be bringing this up again and again (think symbolism, character development, plot, setting, theme)) Aha! Moments (How might this change things? – think conflict, theme, character development)
Round 5 –Will The Winner’s Win? Which Stop Notice and Note Signpost is the following excerpt referencing from FTM? . I shrug. Is it really such a big deal for a boy to look like his father? Which is typical butthead thinking, because of course it’s a big deal if your father happens to be in prison. Which everybody in town knows about, it’s not like there’s any secret about what he did… (Philbrick 26) AHA! Moment – we realized the father was in prison.
Round 6 –Will The Winner’s Win? What Stop Notice and Note Signpost is the following? Once you notice the author is telling or showing you this you stop yourself to recognize that there is a memory. Next, you read the memory and write down what the memory is, who it is it about. Next, you ask yourself “why might this memory be important?” and write down your response. Next, you connect it to one or more of these three literary devices: theme, foreshadowing, and/or conflict and explain why. Finally, you continue reading keeping in mind your response on why that memory might be important Memory Moments
Round 7 –Will The Winner’s Win Look at the following statement: People are most comfortable spending time with others who are just like themselves. On one of these pages find the BEST evidence to argue this statement P.37-38; P.33; P.19; P. 40 When your’e group has written it down have one person come up. Each team will be allowed a card. P. 19
Round 8 –Will The Winner’s Win? Which Stop Notice and Note Signpost is the following excerpt referencing from FTM? How Grim and Gram talked about Him (referring to Max’s father) and how Maxwell looked almost identical to him . For instance, when Gram stated, “…the boy is like him, we’d better watch out, you never know what he might do while we are sleeping (Philbrick 3). Memory Moment – we can foreshadow that Maxwell’s father is a firebrand of some sort
Round 9 –Will The Winner’s Win? What Stop Notice and Note Signpost is the following? When a character or the reader realizes, understands, or figures something out. Aha! Moment
What stop. Notice. And note moment is the following? Will The Winner’s Win -10 What stop. Notice. And note moment is the following? Maxwell keeps referring to himself as a “Butthead”
Round 11 –Will The Winner’s Win? What type of character goes through a change, and has many qualities to him or her? Round
Round 12 –Will The Winner’s Win? What is the method in which the author shows or dramatizes a character’s personality through speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, or looks (you have to make an inference at what the character’s personality is)? Indirect Characterization
Round 13 –Will The Winner’s Win? Read the following excerpt from FTM: Freak speaking to Blade: “Ignore the cretin…Cretin. C-R- E-T-I-N. Defined as one who suffers from mental deficiency.” What does this show about Freak? (P.31) Evaluate the answer below. Would this be the correct answer for STEAL AND to describe or infer Freak’s personality? LOOKS part of STEAL; Flabbergasted No. What would be a term we could use to describe Freak’s character when speaking to Blade? Bold; Brave; Courageous.
Round 14 –Will The Winner’s Win? Read the following excerpt from FTM: I go “Thanks for the towel, Gram. And the ice cream. Could I have sugar in the coffee? Two teaspoons, please,” and Grim claps his hands together and he says, “Of course you can, son,” and it’s like whoa! Because he never calls me that. [He’s] Always [calling me] Max or Maxwell. Indirect or Direct Characterization? What does this show about Maxwell’s grandparents toward Maxwell? They are being more respectful of him
Round 15 –Will The Winner’s Win? Who is this character in Freak The Mighty? This person is in prison. We foreshadowed that he must be some sort of firebrand Him
Round 16 –Will The Winner’s Win? Who is this character is Freak The Mighty? These characters are intimidated by Maxwell because they believe he is like his father. These are the caregivers of Maxwell. Grim and Gram
Round 17 –Will The Winner’s Win? Who is this character is Freak The Mighty? This person has been in juvie and could be considered a bully. Tony D./Blade
Round 18 –Will The Winner’s Win? Who is this character is Freak The Mighty? . Main character of the story who is tall and likes to read comic book; this character has a learning disability. He is reflective and observant. Max
Round 19 –Will The Winner’s Win? Who is this character is Freak The Mighty? This person has a physical disability and named the fireworks of the elements on the periodic table. He is intelligent, and brave. Freak
Round 20 –Will The Winner’s Win? Who is this character is Freak The Mighty? This person runs away from Max because she thinks it’s him. Additionally, this person is Kevin’s mother The Fair Gwen. Freak explains that he calls her the Fair Gwen in reference to what? What figurative language term would that be?
Round 21 –Will The Winner’s Win What is the RACE Strategy when writing a written response? Restate/Rephrase the question or claim Answer the question/claim Cite Evidence Explain
Round 22 –Will The Winner’s Win Round 22 –Will The Winner’s Win ? Look at the following statement: People are most comfortable spending time with others who are just like themselves. What part of RACE is missing in this response This can be demonstrated first when Freak and Max first encounter Tony D./Blade: “I heard [Tony D./Blade] he cut a guy with a razor, he almost died, and everybody says the best way to handle Tony D. and his gang is, you avoid them. Cross the street, hide, whatever it takes” (Philbrick 29-30). This evidence shows that Tony D. and his gang continue to bully others and yet they have no idea they are doing it. Additional evidence can support this claim from when Freak spots Tony D. and his gang right after the fireworks show. In this instance Tony D. said he was going to, “…Dice and slice, baby! Freak show time!”, - speaking of stabbing Freak and Max. (Philbrick 35). R