Observation Drawing Observation is the action or process of carefully watching someone or something. watching, study, survey, review, notice, investigation, monitoring, attention, consideration, examination, inspection, scrutiny, surveillance, contemplation, cognition, perusal https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/observation As artists we know there is a great difference between LOOKING and SEEING.
Task 1: Drawing weeds You will find a plant that is growing wild. You will bring it to the studio and produce a detailed pencil drawing. You will record any draft drawings. You will photograph the plant in order to understand its structure. While you draw you will reflect on what these hardy self-seeded plants could be metaphors for. Once your drawing is completed listen to what Michael Landy says about why he drew weeds. watch from 51 minutes on In a new page of your website called ‘Observation work’ show your work and compare your thinking with Landy’s.
Task 2: Drawing Muscat Find a vantage point overlooking part of the city. Make a drawing in charcoal of your view. ( you will need to do the initial drawing and take the photographs outside of classtime ). Take photographs in different lights as documents of the place. In the studio make a series of small paintings based on your drawings only using white and black paint. While you are working reflect on whether it is really possible to share you experience of reality with someone else through Art. Watch John Virtue at work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqdXnpCqJHc In your ‘Observation Work’ new page of your webpage show your work and compare your thinking with Virtue’s. You may search for more information about the artist if need be. https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/learning/associate-artist-scheme/john-virtue
Task 3: Drawing of a sink These are the rules for this drawing; The sink must have at least 6 objects in and around it of which at least one must be a jug of some sort. You must only use line – DO NOT shade your drawing You MUST leave evidence of how you constructed your drawing. There must be signs of measuring and adjustment of placement. Once completed your must post this drawing on your webpage and comment on how you approached this challenge. You may wish to reflect on how this drawing compares to other drawings and art you have made. NB: you will need to set this up outside of school and bring in a photograph if your drawing is unfinished and you need class time to complete it.