ERASMUS + MIGRATION PROJECT “Migration: Europe’s challenge for the 21st Century”
ERASMUS + PROJECT AK219 An international project For European Secondary students Sponsored by European Union (SEPIE) For a period of two years: 2016-18 On the topic of “Migration”
Where are the school partners?
ERASMUS + SCHOOL PARTNERS: BARCELONA Jesuïtes Clot Escola del Clot, Barcelona, Spain 125 years old From kindergarten to Vocational Studies (including Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate) Around 2.500 students Participating in International Projects for more than 15 years Part of the Catalan Jesuits NET (WEB PAGE) In pedagogical change (HORITZÓ 2020) for the last 4 years School web page:
ERASMUS + SCHOOL PARTNERS: Wavre ( ), Belgium School basic info,, photo, web page ITALY Sicily Rosolini
ERASMUS + SCHOOL PARTNERS: ITALY Three types of high schools: Liceo-professional-technic school About 850 students Taking part in I E - Erasmus Key 1 / 2 1° Istituto Superiore "Archimede" - Rosolini via Sipione, 147 - 96019 Rosolini (Sr) Tel. 0931 - 502286 - Fax 0931 - 850007 http://primoistitutoarchimede
ERASMUS + SCHOOL PARTNERS: Gymnasium Rheindahlen Germany Mönchengladbach Gymnasium Rheindahlen (Coordinating School) 650 Students Taking Part in International Education for nearly 20 years now NRW Sports School and Elite Football school .
ERASMUS+ SCHOOL PARTNERS : BELGIUM Institut Saint Jean-Baptiste Wavre 1300 pupils (3-18 years old) deLasalle school based in 1898 Taking part in International Education for nearly 20 years now 5 Comenius projects School webpage :
ERASMUS + SCHOOL PARTNERS: Poland, Rybnik Gimnazjum Mistrzostwa Sportowego nr 2 about 500 students and 40 teachers Sports school specialising in volleyball, basketball and ju-jitsu taking part in International Education
ERASMUS + PROJECT on the topic of MIGRATION A new European reality A “crisis” that could be a “possibility”? Promoting our students awareness of reality A critical vision of Europe A possibility for changing and acting or doing something Working to help our students become: COMPETENT, CONSCIOUS, COMPASSIONATE, CREATIVE and COMMITTED
ERASMUS + PROJECT OBJECTIVES “Future depends on how we react now” - that’s what former Commission president Barroso said in face of the financial Crisis of 2008. This is still up to date! And the Migration Crisis of today is a new challenge that we as Europeans have to tackle! Show our students that the solution of this Crisis can only be done on a european level. Learning on different types and effects of Migration (Internal Migration, Emigration, Immigration) Make our students conscient about the fact that many Europeans have a Migrant-background. Show our students that cultural diversity is a plus for our European societies. Fight against Racism and prejudices. Possibilities of Integration and consequences of non-integration. Comparing the approach of the different partner countries in reference to Migration. Showing the different perspectives on Migration and making our students better European Citizens. Using new pedagogical methods and technology.
ERASMUS + MAIN RESULTS: Creating a Common Project Website to include all our results such as: Creating a Media Portfolio on Migration Policy Creating a Bibliography on Migration Creating a multilingual dictionary Documentation on Refugee Movements in each Project member state Creating a presentation on Migration history on a local, regional and national scale for each member Creation of a Questionnaire about the acceptance of migrants in our academic and local environment Analysis of concepts for the inclusion and integration of Migrants and refugees in School life Workshop on creating Questionnaires and Evaluation Workshop on creating Films Workshop on Presentation techniques
ERASMUS + PROJECT ORGANIZATION 2 types of encounters: Organizational meetings (3 students + 2 teachers) Project weeks (5 or 6 students + 2 teachers) Online communication via e-Twinning or other devices (web page creation, skype, mail…)
ERASMUS+ PROJECT CALENDAR SCHOOL YEAR 16-17 November 2016: Wavre, Belgium: 1st organizational meeting January 2017: Sicily, Italy: project week May 2017: Barcelona, Spain: 2nd organizational meeting (mid- term evaluation) SCHOOL YEAR 17-18 Poland : Project week Belgium : Project week Germany : Final meeting