Käthe Kollwitz German, 1867–1945 Considered one of Germany’s most important early 20th-century artists, Käthe Kollwitz captured the hardships suffered by the working class in drawings, paintings, and prints. Her work begins in pre-war Germany and tells the story of the suffering of the working class people through out the times of war.
Self-Portrait, Drawing 1933 charcoal on brown paper
Kollwitz drew portraits of herself through out her life time Kollwitz drew portraits of herself through out her life time. They show the hopeful youth and, as she became older, the effects of the war.
Self Portrait at Table Chiaroscuro is the term used for this type of strong light. Kollwitz used this type of strong lighting in many of her portraits to show the emotions of the person she was drawing.
Working woman with Earing 1910