Geometric Forms Still Life
A Still Life is an arrangement of several objects. Setting up a still-life requires knowledge of balance and composition. Pay careful attention to the object placement inside the drawing from the beginning. There must be a balance between the drawn objects and the space around them. In other words, the drawn objects should not be too small or too big, "fall off" from the paper or be shifted to the left or to the right. This is the first stage of drawing the still life. The next important part is the proportions of the objects. The proportion is the interrelation between two or more magnitudes. Notice the relations between the sizes of the shapes. Take time to measure the relations between the objects. Always work in parallel, the images should appear like on a Polaroid picture.
You are going to set up your own still-life and photograph it. Then you will create a charcoal drawing from your photograph.
This composition is too simple and basic.
Better composition, but lacks creativity.
Pay careful attention to the object placement inside the drawing from the beginning. There must be a balance between the drawn objects and the space around them. In other words, the drawn objects should not be too small or too big, "fall off" from the paper or be shifted to the left or to the right. This is the first stage of drawing the still life. The next important part is the proportions of the objects. The proportion is the interrelation between two or more magnitudes. Notice the relations between the sizes of the shapes. Take time to measure the relations between the objects. Always work in parallel, the images should appear like on a Polaroid picture.
Consider the angle from which you take the photograph. From ground level…
…from above.
Fill the space well. Before you begin to sketch… consider the placement of the still-life on your paper. Fill the space well. AND…don’t draw small in the center of the page.
Pay careful attention to the object placement inside the drawing from the beginning. There must be a balance between the drawn objects and the space around them. In other words, the drawn objects should not be too small or too big, "fall off" from the paper or be shifted to the left or to the right. This is the first stage of drawing the still life. The next important part is the proportions of the objects. The proportion is the interrelation between two or more magnitudes. Notice the relations between the sizes of the shapes. Take time to measure the relations between the objects. Always work in parallel, the images should appear like on a Polaroid picture.
Poor Composition & Lacks Contrast in Values. Pay careful attention to the object placement inside the drawing from the beginning. There must be a balance between the drawn objects and the space around them. In other words, the drawn objects should not be too small or too big, "fall off" from the paper or be shifted to the left or to the right. This is the first stage of drawing the still life. The next important part is the proportions of the objects. The proportion is the interrelation between two or more magnitudes. Notice the relations between the sizes of the shapes. Take time to measure the relations between the objects. Always work in parallel, the images should appear like on a Polaroid picture.