How did you / we experience The International Teacher Exchange Week? Evaluation Session How did you / we experience The International Teacher Exchange Week?
We shall have altogether 4 rounds of evaluation (next slides) We would like to document and share together how you / we have experienced the ITEW! Purpose of the evaluation session: For hosts: To get ideas how to further develop the ITEW in the future. For guests: To reflect on the experience with other participants of the ITEW. Results will be shared later (anonymously) in the form of a summary on the ITEW website. We’ll get to document and share your/our personal and group experience in 4 areas: 1. Information, Application & Organisation 2. Travelling, Accommodation/Hosting & Catering 3. Teaching Programme & Teaching Experience 4. Social Programme & General Experience We shall have altogether 4 rounds of evaluation (next slides) N.B.! Please return all the material to Bastian after the evaluation session!
Personal Evaluation of Experience by Evaluation Cards (10 min) Personal Evaluation of Experience by Questions & Response Cards! (5 min) Personal Evaluation of Experience by Evaluation Cards (10 min) Group Evaluation of Experience by Evaluation Posters (20 min) Group Presentation of Experience by Evaluation Posters (20 min) 29 November 2018 Olli Oamkilainen
Round 1:. Personal Evaluation of Experience Round 1: Personal Evaluation of Experience by Questions & Response Cards! (5 min) We’ll ask you a few questions about your personal experience relating to the teacher exchange week Please respond to each question by means of the cards on the table. There are three kinds of response cards with different meanings: Green Card: “Ok” and “Yes”. Yellow Card: “I don’t know” and “There’s room for improvement.” Red Card: “Not ok” and “No”. Now, let’s proceed to the questions – please give your response ;-) Round 1 29 November 2018 Olli Oamkilainen
Round 2 Round 2: Personal Evaluation of Experience (10 min) Let us know how you’ve personally experienced the teacher exchange week! We will hand you out a personal evaluation card and pencils – please fill in the evaluation card personally (10 min): We will share the evaluation cards later in small groups, so don’t make them too personal ;-) N.B.! Return the evaluation cards to Bastian after the entire evaluation session before going to the Farewell Lunch! Round 2 29 November 2018
Round 3 Round 3: Small Group Evaluation of Experience (20 min) Let’s get together in 4 groups. We shall count through 1- 4, and then please go to your own group’s table. Share and discuss between your group members your three key points (and other matters, if you have time enough) for about 10 minutes. - We’ve also laid out evaluation posters on the table. In the last 10 minutes of this round, please write down your common key points that you’ve found in your group. In the fourth and final round, we ask one or two people from your group to briefly present your group’s common key points to the general assembly. Thus you should also decide who will give the brief presentation ;-) Round 3 29 November 2018
Round 4: Group Presentation of Experience to General Assembly and Questions & Comments (5 min/group = 20 min) Let’s have brief presentations of the groups and what common key points were found by means of the evaluation posters! Each group will present its common key points on its poster to the general assembly (5 min each) If you have questions and comments on the ITEW that you wish to express at this stage, feel free to do so! For example, you may point out things that went well , or that didn’t go well, or that could be improved N.B.! Return the evaluation cards and evaluation posters to Bastian! Round 4 29 November 2018
Thanks… … for being around! Enjoy the farewell meal! And see you again some time soon ;-)