TASK CARDS PROOFREADING ESSAY MECHANICS ESSAY MECHANICS Use these proofreading task cards to edit, revise, and perfect your essay while simultaneously working with and helping your peers. Follow these steps for the most effective writer’s workshop. Split into groups and divide the task cards evenly (I would suggest groups of three, with each student receiving three task cards). With your papers in hand, rotate them once to the right. Using your task cards, complete the prompts by editing your peer’s essay. FOR EXAMPLE: If you have “Essay CONTENT” and it asks you to underline the thesis statement in red, you’ll do so for each of the essays in the group (including your own). Complete these steps until you’ve rotated ALL of the essays in the group. ESSAY MECHANICS Complete the following tasks while reading your peer’s essay. Put a star near any ineffective transition statements and explain WHY they are ineffective. Put a SQUARE around any paragraphs that do not focus on a single idea. Leave a comment near any paragraph in which the main idea is not clearly developed. PROOFREADING TASK CARDS ESSAY MECHANICS ESSAY MECHANICS Complete the following tasks while reading your peer’s essay. Highlight any run-on sentences in YELLOW and write an edit in the margin. Highlight any sentence-fragment in GREEN and write an edit in the margin Put the letters “SP” next to any words that are misspelled Put the paragraph SYMBOL next to any areas that need to start a new paragraph Complete the following tasks while reading your peer’s essay. Circle any words that need to be capitalized Put a slash / through any letters that need to be lower case Add a carrot ^ with an additional word or phrase for any areas that are lacking information Put a squiggly mark over any words, phrases, or ideas that need deleted