Chapter 12 Vocabulary Secede Emancipation Proclamation Arsenals Reconstruction Abolitionist Black Codes State’s Rights Amendments Unionists Blockade Confederacy Sharecropper Battle of Palmito Ranch
Secede ~ to withdraw from a larger unit one belongs to These states left the United States starting in 1861.
Arsenals~ storehouse for weapons
Abolitionist~ a person who wanted to end slavery
State’s Rights ~ the idea that states have the right to limit the power of the federal government
Unionists ~ people loyal to the Union (USA) during the Civil War
Confederacy ~ the group of southern states who seceded from (left) the Union (USA) during the Civil War
Battle of Palmito Ranch ~ the last battle of the Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation ~ President Lincoln’s speech declaring slaves in the USA free
Black Codes ~ limited the rights of African Americans
Reconstruction ~ the federal government’s plan to restore the South to the Union after the Civil War
Amendments ~ formal changes to a document
Blockade~ the closing of a port by positioning ships to keep people or supplies from moving in or out
Sharecropper~ a far worker who works someone else’s land and pays for its use by giving the landowner a share of the crops grown