Nutrition and Healthy living 120 Semester 2 2017
Making wellness a lifestyle Chapter 1 Making wellness a lifestyle
What is wellness ? What words come to mind when you think of the term wellness. 1 2 3 4 5
Wellness is….. The state of being in good health. Wellness is often associated with quality of life. Quality of life refers to a person’s satisfaction with his or her looks, lifestyle, and responses to daily events. When people are in good health they have a desire to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle.
Wellness Continuum Premature death is at one end of the continuum, this is when death occurs due to lifestyle behaviors that lead to a fatal accident or the formation of an avoidable disease. Optimum health is a state of wellness characterized by peak physical, mental, and social well-being.
Wellness Continuum
Aspects of wellness Wellness means more than not being sick. It also means more than eating healthy foods and being physically fit. There are three major components of wellness. Physical health Mental health Social health
Physical health Physical health refers to the fitness of your body. Many things can harm your physical health. For instance; Too little rest Eating too much Lack of physical activity Excess stress Poor sanitation Reckless actions The use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol can also be harmful to your physical health.
Physical health
Mental Health Mental health is related to the way you feel about yourself, your life, and the world around you. People with good mental health generally like themselves for who they are. They express positive attitudes and tend to act according to a set of socially acceptable values. Irrational fears, stress, and depression may be signs of a mental health problem.
Mental health
Social health Social health describes the way you get along with other people. Friends and family members help enrich your life. Social health can be negatively affected when disagreement occurs and problems arise. Social health affects a person’s outlook on life and his or her personal state of wellness. One very important social skill is communication, it helps to avoid and/or resolve conflict which is detrimental to ones social health.
Holistic approach to Wellness Holistic medicine is an approach to health care that focuses on all aspects of patient care, physical, mental, and social. The effect of physical treatment can depend on mental and social health. Low self-esteem or loneliness can reduce a person’s desire to get better.
Holistic wellness wheel Physical Health Social Health Mental Health
Factors that affect wellness Why is it important to recognize the impact of health related decisions in the teen years? The reason is your present actions and attitudes are shaping the person you will be in the future. It is hard to break a habit once you have established it. This is true of good habits as well is bad habits.
Factors that contribute to disease A risk factor is a characteristic or behavior that influences a person’s chance of being injured or getting a disease. Unhealthy lifestyle choices Poor environmental quality Inadequate health care heredity
Health promoting choices Studies have shown that you have a great deal of control over the factors that influence your health. Choice a healthful lifestyle. Diet is one main lifestyle factor that has a strong correlation with many diseases. Diet refers to all the foods and beverages you consume.
Healthy choices continued Health experts recommend adopting the following practices into your lifestyle; Provide your body fuel throughout the day by eating three or more regularly spaced meals. Supply your body with the needed nutrients to support health, growth, and development. Sleep eight to nine hours per night. Maintain a healthy weight Stay active, 60 minutes of activity on most days of the week Do not smoke Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages Do not use street drugs.
More healthy choices Resist negative peer pressure. The desire to be accepted leads many teens to try activities their peers encourage. Peer pressure is negative when it encourages people to pursue activities that can endanger their health such as smoking, drinking and reckless driving.
Improve your environment You can do your share to make your environment a healthful one. Carpool to avoid creating extra pollution Use cleaning products that will not pollute the water Handle food carefully to avoid contamination that can cause illness.
Nutrition and Wellness One factor that has been shown to have a big impact on wellness is nutrition. Nutrition is the sum of processes by which a person takes in and uses food substances. Nutrients are the basic components of food that nourish the body. Today, scientists know of over 45 nutrients needed in the diet.
Alarming Trends About one third of people in North America eat an inadequate diet. One out of three adults is overweight, one out four is more than 20% overweight.(obese) Popular lifestyles include less and less physical activity. Important nutrients are missing from the diets of some groups of people, such as teens and older adults. Fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugar intake are higher than recommended. For the first time ever, your generation is expected to have a shorter average life expectancy than the previous generation.