Join our study on [insert condition/phenomenon of interest (e. g Join our study on [insert condition/phenomenon of interest (e.g., concussion in children)] Study title: Full study title or simplified short version (must match the REB approved version) Principal Investigator: PI Name Interested? To ask questions contact: Name of contact and title Phone number Email Deadline to enrol: [If applicable] Full date Version: (DD-MMM-YYYY) Are you [major inclusion criteria, e.g., a healthy child between 6-12 years of age]? Consider participating in our study: What is the study about? Purpose of research. Who can participate? We are looking for [list inclusion criteria] What’s involved? Time commitment, brief description of research procedures, and location of research (e.g., at SickKids) Are there benefits to participating? Brief summary of benefits. If there are no direct benefits to participants, state “There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this research” If there is compensation, briefly describe but do not state amounts – e.g., Participants will be given a gift certificate in recognition of their contribution.