Country Report Name
Name of Country (Map)
Flag (Picture of flag here)
Capital city Facts about the capital city
Population: Area in square miles: Adult literacy rate (those who read and write): Life expectancy :
Currency (Picture of currency)
Language What is their primary language?
History (Timeline of important historical events)
Land and Climate (Tell about the land here. Is it mountainous, rocky, etc. What type of landform is it? What is the climate? Seasons?)
Customs (List the customs and give examples)
Recreation (What do they do for fun, ex: sporting events, boating, surfing, etc.)
Family (Include information about the family in this country.)
Foods List the foods that make this country unique: (Add a picture or two)
Holidays (List the major holidays and what they do to celebrate. You may add another slide and some pictures to demonstrate this.)
Commerce What countries do they trade with? Imports Exports
Government What type of government do they have
Economy Jobs Wages Employment rate
Education Types of schools What is their education system like?
Transportation Name the types of transportation Which is the most popular form of transportation? Do they have any unique forms of transportation?
Religion List the major religion of the country List other religions that are present in the country.
Famous People Name two or more famous people. Tell why they are famous to the country. Include pictures of these two people.
Your interest What interested you the most about this country?
Sources You must list all of the sources you obtained information from including websites you took information and pictures from. Copy and paste the website information here.