RI06 Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose.
PATT the MAIDS What is PATT the MAIDS Steps to identify an author’s point of view or purpose and analyze the rhetoric and/or rhetorical strategies that he/she uses to persuade
What is rhetoric? Simply put, it is word choice the author uses to communicate.
Purpose to inform, persuade, or entertain the reader of what?
Audience To whom is the author writing? Where did the essay first appear? How does its intended audience help shape the essay and influence its language and style?
Thesis What is the subject of the essay? What is the author’s opinion of the subject?
Tone What is the author’s attitude toward the subject?
Modes of development(text structures) How is the essay organized? (narration, description, compare/contrast, process/sequence, cause and effect, chronological, classification, problem solution, or argument and support)
Appeals Ethos: or ethical appeal—means to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character Pathos: emotional appeal Logos: convince through logic or reason (facts, stats., etc.)
Imagery includes all figurative language (simile, metaphor, allusion, analogy, alliteration, idiom, personification onomatopoeia, etc.)
Diction What word choice does the author use to reveal purpose and tone?
Syntax How a writer structures sentences. Does the author use repetition, rhetorical questions, or a variety of sentence structures? What effect does it have on meaning?