Women’s Suffrage Movement Women won new opportunities in labor and education that are now enjoyed today
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On your post it/note card Put your name: List… #1 and #2 on your card
Stand up! Please find 2 people that will be your partners and write their names on your notecard. Your partner must not be sitting next to you
Brainstorm Answer the following questions on the back of your response card… 1. Are women treated equally today? Explain…
Visit your 1st partner Standing meeting… Discuss your response with your partner for 30 seconds.
Brainstorm Answer the following questions on the back of your response card… 2. Based on the video, why is there a gender pay gap in America?
Stations Number 1-7 on the back of your note card… Analyze the poster your group is given. Answer the corresponding questions on the blue paper. After 2 minutes your group will rotate to the next station!
Visit your 2nd partner Standing meeting… Discuss your response with your partner for 30 seconds.
Quick write: “imagining how the United States would be if women never received the right to vote”. Given this scenario, how would that affect how we live today?
Woman Suffrage Women obtained the right to vote nationwide in 1920. Before 1920, only criminals, the insane, Native Americans, and women were denied the vote. The modern woman's suffrage movement began in the 1840s with the Seneca Falls Convention. How did it happen and why?
Before the Civil War What were women’s role in American society? Domestic and household chores Caretakers of children By the 19th century, this was only an option for middle class and upper class, poor women had to work for wages.
Jobs for women Farm Women: Women's roles did not change much. Roles were cooking, cleaning and plowing crops. Women in industry- better paying opportunities in cities; telephone operators and typist were examples. Domestic Workers- women with out formal education would work as maids.
Women Lead Reform Dangerous conditions and low wages pushed women to reform. By the late 19th century women pushed for higher education to be more open for women. Think-Pair-Share: Do women today have equal rights as men? Can you think of any examples?