Comparative politics
Comparative…. Similar structures in different environments….
Different structures in similar environments
Similar behaviors in different environments
Different behaviors in similar environments
What is politics? People making decisions about their government
Why focus on Governments? Community & nation building Security & order Protecting rights Promoting economy Social justice
Community & nation building…
Security and order
Protecting rights
Promoting economic growth & stability
Social Justice
Who are the political actors? States Supranational organizations Sub-national (regions, districts, provinces, counties, states)
Political Systems Structures Functions
Political system: structure State Institutions Executive branch Courts Legislature Bureaucracy Linkage Institutions (connect people to government) Political parties Interest groups media
Political system: Structure
Impact on selection of executive….
Political systems: functions Policies Political socialization Political recruitment Political communication
Statements: Empirical vs Normative Britain has a history of independence from continental Europe Britain needs to integrate more fully with continental Europe.
Correlation vs causation